Golden Travelling Laughing Buddha for Good Fortune


Display the Travelling Laughing Buddha for Good Fortune to Feng Shui your way to a better life.

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This is a truly beautiful piece all-around extremely good fortune representation of the Laughing Buddha. His ever-smiling face brings harmony and happiness wherever he’s displayed, in your homes or offices. The big ingots and a sack of wealth he’s stepping on, the two strings of auspicious coins, the giant gold ingot he’s holding, and its shiny gold plating are all-powerful symbols for an abundance of wealth and fortune. Hanging on the staff is a Wu Lou and two peaches, both are well-known symbols of health, longevity, and immortality. This traveling Laughing Buddha is perfect for those who often go on business trips. The Travelling Laughing Buddha for Good Fortune will ensure all your trips are safe and fruitful.

The Laughing Buddha can practically be placed in any part of the home or office except in the toilet areas and kitchen. Here is how you can use the Travelling Laughing Buddha for Good Fortune to Feng Shui your way to a better life.

1. A good place to put the Travelling Laughing Buddha for Good Fortune is in the living room, preferably facing the front door to harness good fortune while staving off bad luck, to bring in harmony and take away quarrellings, to absorb negative Ch’i and emanate auspicious energies.

2. The Travelling Laughing Buddha for Good Fortune may also be placed on the study desk to take away pressure and stress, as well as to assist the student towards fulfilling academic goals.

3. Place the Travelling Laughing Buddha for Good Fortune in your office table or reception area of your shop to bring wealth luck and harmony as well as to prevent backstabbing.

Additional information

Weight 2.42 kg
Dimensions 6.5 × 6 × 5 cm


