Home Smell Good by Feng Shui Ways

A home smell good is a pleasure to be in! Good scents are indicators of good energy, and good scents involve natural, genuine scents that nurture the well-being of your home (and not the synthetic fragrances that offend it).

01. Clutter Clear and Clean Up

The absolute must for a good home smell is the foundation of freshness and cleanliness. You can’t infuse your home with good scents if the house needs cleaning.

Often the best scent is the scent of freshness—and this is something that you cannot fake. So, first things first. Clear your clutter then use natural cleaners which you can easily make yourself—baking soda, vinegar, essential oil blends, etc. Avoid chemical cleaners and fragrances, this is bad feng shui (for you, your health, and your home).

02. Essential Oil Diffuser or Spray

An ultrasonic aromatherapy diffuser is the absolute easiest way to make your home not only smell good but spread healing, happy vibes. It is a powerful way to spread the lasting natural aroma throughout your home, it doesn’t require any effort from you, and it’s a joy to use!

03. Naturally Scented Candles

Naturally scented candles are another beautiful way to bless your home with healing scents. Best used in small or enclosed spaces such as the bathroom or the bedroom, be sure you use natural candles without artificial fragrances. Better yet, go for beeswax candles—their energy is so very healing, purifying, and soothing.

04. Incense

Natural high-quality incense is another way to quickly infuse your home with beautiful aromas. Again, be sure to buy high-quality, natural incense, as well as try to stick with the same scent in the same space for a while—this is how the scent lingers longer.

05. Flowering Plants

Flowering plants are an awesome way to bring beautiful scents into your space. Some favorites are jasmine, hyacinth, gardenia, and the blossoms of the lemon tree. Having fresh herbs in the kitchen is also a heavenly way to benefit from powerfully healing scents. Who does not like to inhale the refreshing aroma of mint, oregano, or basil?

06. Candles in a Bowl of Dried Herbs

You can place small votives in a small bowl with dried flowers or herbs (again, in a small space so that you sense the delicate aroma). It is quite a magical way to enjoy the subtle scents of herbs and flowers, be it dried lavender, rosemary, or rose petals.

07. Fresh Flowers

Fresh flowers, of course, are always a beautiful way to bring vibrant energy and fresh scent to your space! Best to buy your flowers at the farmers market—this way you know that they are freshly cut and filled with potent energy!

08. Dried Lavender Bouquets and Sachets

Try dried lavender sachets in many places—the bedroom, linen closet, various closet drawers, and even mixed with my stored crystals. All you need to do is squeeze the sachet in your hand and inhale its aroma for an instant aromatherapy boost!

09. Dry Your Own Flowers

If you are lucky to have a garden or buy flowers from a farmers market, you can always dry your flowers and use them in so many ways—for tea, in cooking, in making infused oils, or for the very next option—making potpourri!

10. Make Your Own Natural Potpourri

Make your own natural potpourri—it’s easy, fun, and quite rewarding! You probably know that commercial ones are often loaded with chemicals and toxins, so why not create your own? Display them in beautiful, creative containers and you’ve got a great, homemade feng shui cure for your home!

11. Got Cinnamon? Easy Simmering Pot Goodness

Simmering cinnamon sticks is such an easy way to add a sweet and comforting aroma to your space. You can experiment by adding cloves, dried orange peels, or even coffee beans—play and see what works best for your space. All these are recommended to make your home smell good and amazing!

12. Activate Your Kitchen

Yes, the best is last. Coming home to the scents of fresh cookies is almost as good as the scent of freshly brewed coffee in the morning! Heavenly, easy, and so possible. Not in the mood to cook? Then just throw some herbs in a simmering pot, or drop a couple of drops of essential oils in a small pot of water and let it make you and your kitchen happy!