This Feng Shui medallion pendant featuring the Double Dorje symbol with a wish-fulfilling mantra is designed to lift your spirit essence and immunity towards negative energy.
Harnessing the immense power of the Dakini secret amulet, wear the Self-Protection Medallion to attract good fortune and safeguard against all forms of dangers such as dangers from natural disasters, people with ill intentions, evil spirits, accidents, negative energies, and so on. A good amulet to be worn if you often travel to places prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcano eruptions, typhoons, hurricanes, and floods.
In Buddhism, the Dorje is the symbol of Vajrayana, one of the three major branches of Buddhism. The Dorje is a Tibetan word and also called Vajra in Sanskrit, which means diamond or thunderbolt. This is because it symbolizes a tool, as hard as the diamond or as powerful as the thunderbolt, that can cut through ignorance, delusion, greed, anger, and impurities of the mind. It is also believed to represent the firmness of spirit and spiritual power.