Ox Zodiac Prediction 2024
The prediction is valid for the year 2024 (the Dragon), beginning on February 10, 2024, and ending on January 28, 2025.
The Ox zodiac signs conflict with the Tai Sui in 2024, all aspects of development will be hindered and disturbed. The Ox is introverted, not good at maintaining relationships, and seldom goes to integrate into the collective.
People who are marginalised will naturally be rejected and will even hinder the development of their career. It is recommended that Ox should not speak directly and establish a good personality this year.
If you were born in these year, your Chinese zodiac sign is Ox: 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021.
Even if the Ox zodiac encounters problems in 2024, he will finally resolve the crisis smoothly and quickly deal with the difficulties at hand. Ox natives treat work very hard and seriously, work enthusiasm, can quality and quantity to complete their work.
The Ox’s career is going well this year, but some of the Ox who are looking for jobs will run into some trouble. If you plan to change jobs, you must think twice before you act. Don’t quit your current job impulsively.
Ox will have average financial fortunes and are troubled by Tai Sui in 2024. Ox natives are in a period of poor financial fortune, it is best not to make large-amount investments, which may lead to financial ruin.
Some oxen become not rational enough to spend money because of shopping, leading to an increase in unnecessary expenses, and may also have some financial disputes with others.
For example, if you lend money to your relatives or friends and they don’t pay you back, it may even lead to disputes. The Ox is advised to budget and spend wisely.
Love / Relationship
Entering the 2024 Year of the Dragon, the Ox’s luck in relationships is not ideal. A lot of Ox natives always escape from emotional problems, so that the misunderstanding deepens. They also have a negative attitude when it comes to their feelings.
This year, once the Ox natives do not handle their relationship with the opposite sex well, there will be emotional disputes. Married Ox will have to put more effort into maintaining their couple’s relationship.
Entering the Year of the Dragon 2024, Ox natives should pay attention to their safety and health. For some Ox natives who are in poor health and have old illnesses, they may suffer from aggravation of their conditions. Ox can make yoga and meditation part of their daily life. In addition, the Ox needs to be more aware of safety and security and concentrate when driving.
Ox Luck Prediction
- Lucky numbers are 1 and 4.
- Lucky Colors are White, Yellow and Green.
- Lucky Days are 13th and 17th of each Lunar month.
- Lucky Months are May, February and December.
- Lucky Flowers are Tulip and Peach Blossoms.
- Unlucky numbers are 5 and 6.
- Unlucky Colors is Blue.
- Unlucky Months are April and November.
Feng Shui objects for Good Luck
- 8mm Prehnite Crystal Bracelet with Auspicious Charms : Feng Shui lucky amulet with all the protection and blessings associated with Prehnite and the various auspicious symbols. Wear it for peace of mind and prepare to welcome greater harmony, good health, and prosperity into your life!
Abundance Wu Lou Amulet Keychain : Symbolize 8 types of goodness that can flow into your life. Embrace the blessings of longevity, good health, happiness, and abundance of good fortune when you carry the Abundance Wu Lou Amulet.