Dog Zodiac Prediction 2024
The prediction is valid for the year 2024 (the Dragon), beginning on February 10, 2024, and ending on January 28, 2025.
Entering the Year of the Dragon 2024, the Dog’s fortune will fluctuate. As the Dog is in conflict with the Tai Sui this year, all aspects of development will be restricted and hindered.
Dog native should also pay attention to the way to deal with people. Try to change the stubborn personality, more understanding and support for others, to get more support.
If you were born in this year, your Chinese zodiac sign is Dog: 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030.
In year 2024, the Dog’s luck in terms of career is average. Although the year was plagued by Tai Sui and many developments were unsatisfactory. But dog natives will still deal with difficulties at work with a positive mindset and they believe that they will see gains.
Dog should attend to more events, which will be helpful for the long-term development of their work.
Dog’s financial fortune is not ideal. There may even be a crisis of financial ruin because of carelessness in financial management, not knowing how to manage income and expenditure.
Dog native should learn how to manage money, accumulate more financial information and use it wisely. Some Dogs are also reflective people. When faced with some financial situation, they will find ways to cope with it .
Love / Relationship
For Dog native, the luck in relationship is stable. Single Dogs will have average luck with the opposite sex. They will not be able to get off the hook successfully.
Single Dog native should be good at discovering fate and opportunities, and actively strive for affection.
Dogs in love are advised to know how to control their emotions when they get along with their partners, and not to lose their temper over trivial matters.
The Dog’s health luck is average in 2024.Those who are always busy with work in their lives will be plagued by illness. You should pay attention to your health and never overspend your body.
Dogs should usually do more exercise, maintain a healthy diet, mediate their mood, to guard their health. Dog natives who have the habit of driving should also pay attention to driving safety and obey traffic rules.
Dog Luck Prediction
- Lucky numbers are 3, 4 and 9.
- Lucky Colors are Green, Red, and Purple.
- Lucky Flowers are Rose and Cymbidium Orchids.
- Lucky Days are 7th and 28th of every Chinese Lunar Month.
- Unlucky numbers are 1, 6 and 7.
- Unlucky Colors is Blue, White and Gold.
Feng Shui objects for Good Luck
Tai Kat Tai Ley – Big Auspicious Feng Shui Enhancer : The Big Auspicious Star is known to usher in tremendous luck in various aspects, including business success, career advancement, and promotions. It opens doors to remarkable opportunities and unexpected windfalls, paving the way for significant wealth and good fortune.
Young Green Dragon : Bring immense good fortune.It can be placed anywhere in your home. Having the Young Green Dragon in your living space will fill it with the precious “Sheng Chi” or “Dragon’s breath”, enhancing your surroundings.