Fortune and Feng Shui Forecast 2024 for Boar


The Boar benefits from the #4 Creative Star and Heavenly Seal with excellent success luck, but you have weak life force and spirit essence.


The Boar benefits from the #4 Creative Star and Heavenly Seal with excellent success luck, but you have weak life force and spirit essence. While the year holds promise, it is a year to be cautious. The Star of Yearly Conflict could cause jealousies, especially when your success is too noticeable. Celebrate your achievements, but stay low-key. Make sure you harness the energy of the year correctly to maximize the amazing success luck flowing your way!

In this book, discover how in 2024, you can:

Make the most of your exceptional success luck

Form mutually advantageous new alliances

Harness the immense potential of the number 9

Invite in new wealth and grow your net worth

Utilise amulets to protect against misfortune

Maximise opportunities brought by the new Period of 9

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 15 × 11 cm