Category Archives: Feng Shui Tips for Wealth

Wealth is one of the most popular feng shui topics. In feng shui, when you work with wealth, you attract all sorts of abundance.

Flying Star 2025

The Flying Stars chart is used for managing every area of a property or a home, both as an important strategy and as a prediction tool. With basic usage, it has been shown to be helpful in boosting positive energy and reducing negative energy.  Star 1 Number 1 represents .

Feng Shui Flying Stars 2024

Flying Stars Chart
For feng shui practitioners, the end of December marks a bustling period as many individuals engage in updating the feng shui of their homes. Beginning on December 21st, 2023, the Tai Sui, Sui Po and 3 Killings of 2024 will commence exerting their influence. On February 4th, 2024, the .

How to Use Crystals in Feng Shui

Natural crystals are earth’s gifts that come in wide beautiful varieties, and there are many creative ways to use them to improve your feng shui. Your intention will determine the most beneficial way for you to bring crystals into your home. It is beneficial to place crystals throughout your .