Category Archives: Feng Shui Tips for Wealth

Wealth is one of the most popular feng shui topics. In feng shui, when you work with wealth, you attract all sorts of abundance.

Feng Shui Fish for Wealth

The feng shui fish symbol has long been associated with abundance and wealth. Thus many cures depict fish for prosperity. There are different types of fish used in feng shui for wealth cures—there is Arowana, Koi (carp) and of course, the Goldfish. There are also specific requirements as to .

Attact Feng Shui Wealth Tips

Wealth is one of the most popular feng shui elements. It can come in many forms, not just financial wealth. Wealth and prosperity include abundance in friendships, luck, opportunities, and so much more. The beautiful thing about feng shui is that you attract all sorts of abundance when you .