Chinese zodiac compatibility

Chinese zodiac compatibility, like astrology matching, is used for marriage or romantic relationships.

In the Chinese calendar, there are 12 zodiacal animal signs, and people born under each animal sign have unique characteristics and personalities. Information and compatibilities can be checked to gain guidance in life, love, or marriage. Indeed, zodiac compatibility can guide any relationship.

Love Compatibility for 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs

  1. Rat’s Love Compatibility

Rat, Ox, Dragon, or Monkey is the most compatible.


The Rat and the Rat: You are both deeply committed to your relationship and family life. You may feel a lack of mystery because you know each other so well. You are a wise couple who constantly calculate.


The Rat and the Ox: You are a happy couple who is willing to share family responsibilities. You have complementary personalities that will benefit each other at work and home.


The Rat and the Dragon: You are both mature and self-assured, which allows you to trust and respect each other’s privacy. You have a bright future ahead of you because you are both optimistic and aspiring in your search for happiness in your marriage life.


Both the Rat and the Monkey can comprehend and accommodate each other. You can collaborate and support one another. When divisions arise, understanding and care are the best solutions.


Rabbit, Horse, or Rooster are the least compatible.


The Rat and the Rabbit: You have similar characteristics, but you are not a perfect couple because you each love yourself too much to spare love for the other. You are true to each other, but your monotonous daily life bores you.


The Rat and the Horse: You are both confrontational and make the effort, which can lead to disagreements.


The Rat and the Rooster: You don’t get along well because you don’t understand each other.


2. Ox’s Love Compatibility


Rat, Snake, or Rooster are the most compatible.


The Ox and the Rat: You’ll be a happy couple who is willing to share family responsibilities.


The Ox and the Snake: You two make an excellent couple. Both have similar life goals and are heading in the same direction.


The Ox and the Rooster: You are undeniably a happy and harmonious couple. You are both talented and competent in your respective fields, with down-to-earth and responsible outlooks on life.


Tiger, Horse, Goat, or Monkey are the least compatible.


The Ox and the Tiger: You have very little in common. You might get together for the sake of novelty. Despite your efforts, you may not be able to achieve a true and deeper understanding.


The Ox and the Horse: Because your tempos and personalities are so dissimilar, you find it difficult to coordinate.


The Ox and the Goat: You are a squabbling couple with ups and downs in your relationship. You are unprepared for differences of opinion, which makes you unhappy in your relationship.


The Ox and the Monkey: You both have similar goals, but your perspectives differ. You are two independent people with opposing viewpoints who do not completely trust each other.


  1. Tiger’s Love Compatibility


Horse, dog, or pig are the most compatible.


The Tiger and the Horse: You are both outgoing and sociable, making you a lively and well-suited couple.


The Tiger and the Dog: You are a wonderful couple with warm and endearing personalities. You understand and support one another, and you know how to respect one another’s personal space.


The Story of the Tiger and the Pig: You are an ideal and devoted couple who are always encouraging to one another. You’re both lively people who care about each other’s well-being. You trust each other, share interests, and feel free and relaxed when you’re together.


Ox, Snake, Goat, or Monkey are the least compatible.


Both the Tiger and the Ox are obstinate. You have a lot of inconsistency as a couple.


The Snake and the Tiger: You’re not being honest with each other. Both of you are perceptive and desire your own space. If you don’t try to open up and discover each other’s positive sides, the relationship will not progress.


The Tiger and the Goat: You and your partner have very different personalities, which makes it difficult for you to understand and tolerate each other.


The Monkey and the Tiger: You are not on the same frequency. You share no values, despite being friendly, outgoing, and lively.


  1. Rabbit’s Love Compatibility


Goat, Dog, or Pig are the most compatible.


Both the Rabbit and the Goat are gentle. You are skilled at resolving conflicts. Your marriage is expected to be happy and free of conflict.


The Rabbit and the Dog: The Rabbit’s best zodiac sign is the Dog. You both enjoy life, and family, and are good at socializing. You have a lot in common. You don’t rely on each other, but you are deeply concerned about each other’s feelings. It is predicted that the couple will have a happy marriage.

The Rabbit and the Pig: The Rabbit and the Pig are usually content with each other. Both of you are not picky in life and would be happy in your marriage.


Rat or Rooster are the least compatible.


The Rabbit and the Rat: The Rabbit is frequently dissatisfied with the Rat’s irresponsibility, and the Rat complains about Rabbits being overly concerned with details. Your marriage is rife with squabbles.


You don’t seem to please each other, Rabbit and Rooster. You’re full of gripes. A Rabbit and a Rooster couple usually do not fare well financially.


  1. Dragon’s Love Compatibility


Rats, monkeys, and Rooster are the most compatible.


The Dragon and the Rat: You are a financially savvy couple who will raise a stable and reasonably prosperous family.


The Dragon and the Monkey make an excellent couple. Both are romantic while remaining pragmatic. You have strong interpersonal skills and are well-liked by your peers. You admire each other and work together to achieve common goals.


The Rooster and the Dragon: You are both intelligent, capable, and self-sufficient individuals. You need to communicate more, try to understand each other, and find common ground.


The dog is the least compatible.


The Dog and the Dragon: You are a conflict-ridden couple. You’re both vain, temperamental, and aggressive. Despite having similar goals, you don’t communicate well with one another. To make the relationship work, you both need to put in extra effort and change your personalities to suit each other.

  1. Snake’s Love Compatibility


Ox or Rooster is the most compatible.


The Snake and the Ox: You are a couple who is deeply attached to and dependent on one another. You are both prudent, realistic, and diligent.


The Snake and the Rooster: You are a complementary couple who are happy together. Your relationship benefits both of you and improves your quality of life. You have a good understanding of each other and are willing to give each other your full support.


Tiger, Horse, or Pig are the least compatible.


The Snake and the Tiger: You are not a good match. You are impulsive, suspicious, and harsh, which makes it difficult for you to get along. It is difficult for you to develop mutual trust and understanding.


The Snake and the Horse: You’re not particularly attached. Your life values do not appear to be in sync.


The Snake and the Pig: Your personalities are opposed, making you an unsuitable couple.


  1. Horse’s Love Compatibility


Tiger, Goat, or Dog are the most compatible.


The Horse and the Tiger: You are a couple who share many interests and goals. You’re both very energetic, which makes the relationship very happy. In terms of family responsibilities, you understand each other and work well together.


The Horse and the Goat: You are a happy and complementary couple. You have distinct abilities and personalities, but you share common goals and values. Your relationship brings out the best in both of you and compensates for your flaws.


You will have a long-lasting relationship and will grow old together. You’re both outgoing, energetic, and coordinated, which will help you create a happy family.


Rat, Ox, or Snake are the least compatible.

The Horse and the Rat: You’re not particularly attached. You’re both very talented people with strong opinions.


The Horse and the Ox: Your personalities are very different, and you share no common interests or habits. Your relationship is usually devoid of both laughter and romance.


The Snake and the Horse: You have both talent and efficiency. It is difficult for you to develop a sense of trust in one another. You should be willing to compromise and put in more effort to achieve your goals.

  1. Goat’s Love Compatibility


Rabbit, horse, goat, or pig are the most compatible.


The Rabbit and the Goat: You make an excellent couple. Your relationship is smooth and joyful because you are both attentive and caring.


The Goat and the Horse: Your relationship is smooth and steady because you are deeply attached and supportive of one another.


The Goat and the Goat: You are inseparably linked and reliant on one another. You put a lot of emotion and effort into your relationship and adore each other. The male goat works hard to feed the family, and the female goat is always encouraging and supportive.


The Pig and the Goat: You two are adorable. You are both deeply committed to family life and are willing to compromise. There are very few disagreements in your relationship.


Ox, Tiger, or Dog are the least compatible.


The Goat and the Ox: You both need to work together and make changes to make your relationship work.


The Goat and the Tiger: You are not a good match. The goat is gentle and romantic, whereas the tiger is powerful, enthusiastic, and unrestrained. Neither of you can play your roles as husband or wife well.

The Goat and the Dog: You are not a good match. Both of you are willing to put forth the effort, but the results frequently fall short of your expectations.

  1. Monkey’s Love Compatibility


Rat, Dragon, or Dog are the most compatible.


The Monkey and the Rat: You have the potential to raise a prosperous family. You share common goals and are encouraging of one another.


The Monkey and the Dragon: You can form an unbreakable bond. You are both ambitious, positive, and have objective thoughts. Marriage would produce the same angles for you both, and your family would exhibit the same orderliness that you produce by learning from and helping one another. You both understand the value of cherishing and understanding one another. Meanwhile, you enjoy highlighting the benefits of others and inspiring vitality, making your life endlessly colorful.


The Monkey and the Dog: You are appreciative of each other and are aware of each other’s needs. Marriage will make both of you more mature.


Ox or Tiger are the least compatible.


The Monkey and the Ox: Because you are both stubborn, self-centered, and unwilling to compromise, you lack mutual understanding and get along poorly.



The Monkey and the Tiger: You are both self-centered and calculating, and you are unwilling to compromise. You are preoccupied with your interests and success, and you try to avoid family responsibilities. Your relationship will improve dramatically if you are willing to open up, communicate honestly, and compromise.

  1. Rooster’s Love Compatibility


Ox, Dragon, or Snake are the most compatible.


The Rooster and the Ox: You are a couple who has everyone’s admiration and will live to old age in great bliss. You are both responsible for your family and give it you’re all. Your marriage will serve as a model for others.


The Rooster and the Dragon: Your marriage will be well received by others, and you will enjoy endless happiness. Your personalities and abilities complement each other perfectly. You understand and help each other well, and you are an example of a loving couple.


The Rooster and the Snake: You are both sensible and reasonable, which can help to smooth things over. You help each other, which can have a positive impact on your career and family life.


Rats and rabbits are the least compatible.


The Rooster and the Rat: You have a lot of disagreements. You both have distinct personalities and do not compromise with one another.


The Rooster and the Rabbit: You are a couple who struggles to enjoy love. Your personalities cannot coexist harmoniously, and marriage does not inspire your potential, resulting in family conflicts.

  1. Dog’s Love Compatibility


Tiger, Rabbit, Horse, or Monkey are the most compatible.


The Dog and the Tiger: You were created as a couple. You two are idealists who are optimistic, kind, and generous. Your relationship is doing well.


The Dog and the Rabbit: You are both passionate about life and skilled at interacting with others. Your relationship is happy and harmonious because you are honest with each other. You can show your true colors in your relationship without causing conflict.


The Dog and the Horse: Despite a lack of comprehensive and deep communication and understanding between you, you are both willing to commit to improvement and make efforts. Through mutual effort, you can create a happy, lively family.


The Dog and the Monkey: If you are generous and tolerant of each other, your marriage will last a long time and help you achieve your common goals.


Dragons and goats are the least compatible.


The Dog and the Dragon: You’re not being honest with each other. You are both watchful and want to guide the family. If you want the relationship to work, you must cherish and appreciate each other.


The Dog and the Goat: You’re both used to being single and need to learn how to coexist as a couple. You have very different personalities and frequently clash.

  1. Pig’s Love Compatibility


Tiger, Rabbit, or Goat are the most compatible.


The Pig and the Tiger: You are a couple who are deeply in love and know how to please one another. You are both motivated and dynamic, and your shared merits and goals frequently outweigh any potential conflicts.


The Pig and the Rabbit: You are a committed couple who enjoys each other’s company. You both admire each other’s accomplishments and are eager to help the family.


The Pig and the Goat: You are a cute and inseparable couple who are deeply in love and willing to compromise.


Snake is the least compatible.


The Pig and the Snake: You should both cherish and learn to appreciate each other’s strengths; otherwise, your marriage may not end happily.