Feng Shui for Artists to support creativity



Feng Shui for artists to support creativity. How do feng shui artists create the best space to support their creativity? Contrary to popular belief about feng shui, an ideal feng shui space is not the Zen-looking serene space. The ideal feng shui space is the space that has the best feng shui energy to support a specific activity intended for that space.

For example, if you are applying feng shui for your meditation & yoga room, then yes, you are looking to evoke as much feng shui serene, peaceful energy as possible. However, if you are designing your creative studio, you are looking for a different energy, a vibrant feng shui energy to support your creativity flow.

Like music, the same with feng shui energy – there are times when we need to listen to relaxing, soothing sounds, and then there are times when colour-full jazz is the best way to go. The ideal feng shui planning of a creative space will hold both rhythms because the creative process has both rhythms – the germination/dreaming/planning time and the actual manifestation time.

Use What Works Best for You

Before you focus on attracting the best feng shui energy into your creative studio, answer these questions:

01. What is the main energy I want in this space? What specific activity is this space intended for?
02. What works best for me, and how do I need to feel to perform well this activity?

For example, my work consists of two main activities: consulting with clients and writing. The creative part of my feng shui work is to constantly come up with new, fresh ideas in applying traditional feng shui for my clients’ spaces and write articles on various modern applications of classical feng shui. I love clean, calming colours and shapes, and I also absolutely love bright colours!

So, the “backbone” of my home office – the wall colour, the office furniture, the seating area – is all white colours, which create a sort of clean, white canvas feeling of a beginner’s mind, so to speak. The second layer, though, is full of colour and movement – I have beautiful, vibrant art with bright colours and a whole wall with various bright and inspiring images/clipping from magazines, ideas, specific words, etc.

My main desk surface always has to be clean; the other lower desk surfaces usually hold various current materials and projects I am working on. I have an obvious system for storing my files, and I view only the current ones. All the tools I need daily are in clear proximity.

My office space has big windows and glass doors, thus a lot of natural light coming in; I also have many aromatic herbs and plants on my patio, along with unique natural crystals formations. This set-up brings a vibrant, fresh energy that helps me replenish my own energy when taking short breaks from work.

Dealing with Clutter

Clutter in feng shui is defined as items that you have not used for a long time and do not actually need. No matter chaotically arranged all over the space or blocking just one corner. The energy created by clutter is blocking the feng shui energy flow, thus draining energy from you.

Personally, I can be ok with files, photos, floor plans, notes all over my working space for a couple of days while I am busy working on a big project; it is a creative mess, so to speak, that is inevitable, and actually very helpful, while working. However, once I am done with the project or am moving to its next stage, all the materials get filed promptly. I cannot work or create in a sterile environment, but I wouldn’t say I like clutter.

Please note that the creative tools you need, no matter how many or how you arrange them, do not clutter. You might have a bustling studio space. However, that does not mean that your studio is cluttered. If you have a small space, the clear organization is crucial to maintaining the feng shui flow of creative energy.

Feng Shui for a Creative Studio

To attract the best feng shui energy for your creative studio, apply these basic feng shui tips:

  • Have elements from nature (plants, natural light, rocks from the beach, etc.)
  • Bring strong blocks of colour and movement (art, music, a small fountain, etc.)
  • Display representation of your successful projects.
  • Clearly organize all the tools you need.
  • Create a clearly defined “no-rules” area. Make it as big or as small as your space allows, and let it contain various items you deem necessary with no restrictions. The only rule, though, is to revise and clean this area at regular intervals that work for you – be it every week, every day of every month.

To sum it up, the feng shui of a creative space will evoke the same energy that describes the creative process. The balance between the quiet energy of dreaming/germination and the full bloom of active, strong manifestation.

By applying basic feng shui artists tips and guidelines, you will strengthen the feng shui flow of creative energy and create a feng shui space to support and promote your brilliant creativity!