Feng Shui Garden Design Tips


In addition to attracting nourishing, high-quality feng shui energy to your home, a good feng shui design in your garden will delight all of your senses. The size of your garden is not the most important factor in a successful feng shui garden design. It is wonderful to be surrounded by a large garden. You can still build a good feng shui garden design. Even if you only have a small area to work with.


The key feng shui tools you use to create a good feng shui home design are the same tools you use to create a good garden design. Since your garden Bagua is an extension of your home Bagua, you’ll need to know the Bagua map. You’ll also need to know about Feng Shui’s five elements principle. Also, you need to know how to improve each region to attract positive energy.

For example, the energy of personal growth and self-cultivation is associated with the northeast area of your garden. The feng shui factor required in this area is earth. This would be an ideal location for the earth feng shui aspect. It is for a contemplative Zen garden with beautiful rock formations. If you want to add a water feature to your garden, the southeast (money and abundance), east (health and family), and north are good areas for water element energy (career and path in life).

Providing space for Chi

Enable gently curving pathways for chi, or energy, to flow freely while planning your feng shui garden. Since straight lines are uncommon in nature, use fluid shapes and pathways in your garden.

Subtle feng shui remedies can use garden decorations with good feng shui. Consider the Bagua energies needed in each area when designing your garden. An outdoor fountain with floating golden bells, for example, is perfect for money and abundance energy (southeast). Simultaneously, a metal sculpture of a turtle is a great security feng shui remedy for your garden’s north. The west feng shui area is for creating a play area for your children in the backyard, as it associates with children’s energy and creativity.

Wind chimes are an excellent addition to any garden because their gentle tone emits calming feng shui vibrations. Wind chimes come in various materials, from metal to bamboo, and with a variety of symbols, colours, and string counts. Although each component of a wind chime’s design is significant, the chime’s sound is often a deciding factor.

Colours in Feng Shui

Working with feng shui colours in your garden is a perfect way to highlight different feng shui rhythms. Feng Shui uses colours that emphasize specific energies, such as fire energy in the south with red or purple flower colours, or earth energy in the southwest with a light yellow hue. They are according to the five elements principle, and you may add soothing peace and joy to your garden by selecting colours that emphasize specific energies.

Enjoy putting together your feng shui garden by incorporating objects, colours, and natural elements that you find pleasing to the eye. The more joyful and healing energy you bring into your garden, the more joyful and healing energy it will return to you and your home.