Feng Shui Small Office With No Windows Tips



If you spend a lot of time in your office, it needs to have good feng shui energy. But not all of us have bright, airy offices with nice furniture and great views. Fortunately, it’s possible to draw good energy into even the most challenging spaces, including a small office with no windows. Here are three feng shui tips to make the best of a windowless office.

01. Boost the Air Quality and Lighting

Good feng shui cannot exist without good lighting and air quality. Use at least three levels of lighting in your office, preferably investing in full-spectrum light. This will considerably improve your well-being in a small space that lacks natural light. Also, take advantage of vibrant colors to brighten your space—be it with smart feng shui decor or wall paint.

To improve the space’s air quality, decorate your office with several air-purifying plants. Select plant species that can tolerate the level of artificial lighting you have available in your small office. You can also invest in an aromatherapy diffuser, choosing a combination of essential oils that clears the air and creates vibrant energy. For good feng shui energy, select eucalyptus, peppermint, orange, or rosemary essential oils. Or choose a ready-made blend from a quality essential oil supplier.

02. Display Good Feng Shui Art

Contrary to popular belief, a small space does not require small artwork. If you bring one or two oversized pieces of vibrant and bold art into your office and place them well, you will immediately feel a strong shift in the feng shui energy of your space.

They don’t have to be expensive pieces. You can use your own photos, posters you bought online, or even your children’s art. You also can opt for a large mural depicting a nature scene, city scene, or whatever type of energy you want to create in your office. The general rule with any art piece is you should feel some personal energetic connection to it.

03. Place Your Desk in a Commanding Position

If possible, situate your desk in the feng shui commanding position. This spot is farthest from the doorway and not directly in line with it, but it still has you facing the door. Sitting here helps to prevent any surprises from someone entering your office. Also, have a strong backing behind your desk, meaning a solid wall ideally with good feng shui art or paint. Tall screens or plants behind your office chair also can create a good backing, whereas a window behind you would be a weak backing.

Most importantly, after working long hours in a small office with no windows, take care of your personal energy by giving it the healing it really needs. Spend some time in nature or the company of good family and friends.