Feng Shui Workstation From Home
Working from home can be a challenge. There are tons of distractions like family, pets, roommates competing for our attention, and having your desk in the same space as your private home life can make it hard to work. But there is hope! Feng shui tools can help you create a home office that is more conducive to focus and productivity. Additionally, your feng shui workstation represents your career, so giving your home office some love and attention can lead to positive work results.
01. Pick the Right Location
Working from home can blur the lines between your work life and your personal life. It’s important to create a separate space for your home office as much as possible for a good work/life balance.
If you can have a dedicated room, that’s ideal. Otherwise, do your best to create a visual separation between your feng shui workstation and the rest of your home. A folding screen, curtain, or bookcase can help to divide the space.
02. Place Your Desk in Command
One of the most important things to consider when it comes to your desk in the feng shui workstation is the commanding position. This means that your desk is placed in such a way that you can see the door when you’re sitting at your desk, but you’re not directly in line with the door. This position gives you a better view of opportunities and ideas. It can also help you feel less stressed and more at ease because you can see anyone or anything that might be approaching.
If you’re unable to place your desk in the commanding position, there are a few ways to correct this. Next, if you have to face away from the door, place a mirror so that you can see a reflection of the door while you’re sitting at your desk. If you have to have your desk in line with the door, it’s a good idea to hang a feng shui crystal ball between you and the door to help disperse any energy coming in.
Next, pay attention to your view from your desk. Are you looking at something that inspires you, or are you facing a blank wall? Facing directly towards a wall can represent a block in your career, so decorate the wall with artwork, a vision board, or other things that you find encouraging and uplifting. You can even place a mirror here to expand your view. It’s also best not to look directly towards your kitchen or bed since those can be distractions and can make you want to eat or sleep rather than work.
03. Types of Desks
Ideally, you want a solid, rectangular desk. Heavy objects and square shapes are related to the earth element, which provides support and grounding. The colour brown is also connected to the earth element so that a brown wooden desk can be especially supportive. Make sure it doesn’t have any cut-off corners and that the work surface is opaque.
Glass desktops are stylish, but working on a transparent surface can mean that ideas and opportunities can fall through and get lost.
If you get a second-hand desk, it’s best to receive it from someone who had a successful career. So, you receive their success qi (energy) as well.
04. Feng Shui Your Desk Chair
Look for a desk chair with a high back because it provides more support and stability. This translates to feeling more supported in your work and career. You also want to make sure you don’t have too many chairs in your office, which could translate to wearing too many hats at work.
In terms of colour, it can be helpful to approach this from the five elements’ perspective. Determine which element would be most helpful to you at this time, and choose a colour that corresponds with that element. Here are a few ideas:
Fire: Are you feeling lacklustre about work? In need of more passion and inspiration? Try a red chair to represent the fire element.
Earth: If you’d like more stability or support in your career, an earthy colour like brown or yellow is a good choice.
Wood: The wood element can help with growth and flexibility. To encourage these qualities in your work, try a green, teal, or blue chair to represent wood.
Metal: Metal is all about efficiency and organization, and it can also help us communicate clearly and use our voices effectively. Metal colours like white and light grey are great choices if you feel unfocused or want to speak up more.
Water: The water element is connected to wisdom and depth, as well as our social circles. If you want to cultivate more knowledge and skills, or if you’d like to network and connect with others, watery colours like black, navy blue, or charcoal grey can be helpful.
Remember to trust your intuition as you’re deciding on your chair, and go with the colour that attracts you the most and suits your surrounding colours.
05. Daily Work From Home Rituals
In addition to setting up your physical space for success, it’s important to create an energetic feng shui workstation between your work and home life. Daily rituals at the beginning and end of each workday can really help with this.
Here are a few ideas:
- Clear your desk each day. You can do this either at the beginning of the end of the day, whichever feels best to you. This can help to clear your mind as well and create a clean slate for your workday.
- To start your day, try writing a list of nine outcomes you’d like from that day and circle the most important one. This helps to place your intentions and energy for the day on the things that are most important to you.
- At the end of the day, take a moment to acknowledge one success from the day. We often get so caught up in the day-to-day busyness of life that we forget to give ourselves credit for what we’ve accomplished. Even small successes count!