Improve Bad Feng Shui House Location


Location is important. There’s a reason why they say “location, location, location” when it comes to selecting a home. Feng shui and your house placement are all about understanding how qi (life force energy) comes to you. The flow of qi affects your ability to be safe, happy, healthy, and at ease. The better the feng shui of the location, the better your life goes. Unfortunately, there are definitely poor or bad feng shui house location for a house to avoid if at all possible.

If moving is not an option, the best way to work with the land’s exterior qi is to hire a feng shui consultant. It cannot be very easy for each particular situation because there are many factors to consider. A feng shui consultant will have experience and offer a more fine-tuned and skillful correction. But in the meantime, here are some bad feng shui house location to avoid and general ways to address the issue.

01. T-Intersection

A well-known feng shui “no-no” is the T-Intersection. Specifically, it’s problematic when your house is located at the intersection or top and center of the “T” shape.

This one can be corrected by placing a traditional Bagua mirror (with the eight trigrams framing the perimeter) facing the oncoming traffic. If you work with a consultant, they can advise you on place landscaping and other exterior objects.

02. Dead End Street

A dead-end street speaks for itself. A cul-de-sac is a type of dead-end street. It’s a similar challenge as the T-intersection if your house is located at the end of the street, where it dead ends.

This one can also be corrected by placing a traditional Bagua mirror (with the eight trigrams framing the perimeter) facing the oncoming traffic.

03. Tree Blocking Front Door

Trees are good feng shui and contribute to the life energy of a home. Unfortunately, a tree can be a problem if it’s right smack in front of the entry door. There are times when this is okay, for instance, if the owners are retired and would like privacy and separation from the outside world.

The best way to correct this is to move to another home or relocate the door. It’s not good for feng shui to cut down a healthy tree. You could also maintain and prune the tree so it does not block the front door’s view.

04. Next Door to a Yin Location

Yin spaces have no life and therefore are not suitable as a next-door neighbor. Yin places attract life-less and low vibe energy. Examples of yin spaces include worship, funeral homes, cemeteries, railroad tracks, highways, and dilapidated buildings. Ideally, it’s best to move. If it’s not possible, regularly smudge and clear the house and all the family members. Also, plant as much greenery as you can around the home’s perimeter to protect and invite life-giving qi.

05. Dustbin Shaped Lot

The shape of your property affects your feng shui. One of the most problematic shapes resembles a dustbin, where the front of the lot is wider than the back. This translates to the inability to hold onto wealth. The opposite and ideal lot shape is called the “money bag” lot, where the back is wider than the front.

If you have a “dustbin” shaped lot, place lights in the back corners directed up and toward the home or added a tree in each corner to get the compressed qi moving.

06. Back of Lot Slopes Away

This is a slope situation on your property where the back of the lot (opposite from the entrance and street approach) slopes downward and away from the house. This can cause a fall out of resources like wealth and support in general.

The best way to handle this is to add some tall lamps or poles in the back two corners of the lotto to lift the energy.

07. On Top of a Hill

When your house is located on top of a hill, there’s no support, and everything is too exposed. It’s an unstable and unprotected location. A solution is to build a deck to provide more stability to the house.