Plants In Bedroom Feng Shui


There is a lot of confusion surrounding whether or not plants should be placed in the bedroom. Many have heard that they should exist outside this room because of their need to be watered, which brings in water energy. But others have heard that having plants is good for feng shui, as they remove carbon dioxide from the air. We’ve cleared up these misconceptions and have tips for promoting good feng shui, with or without plants.

For starters, if you’ve been told these opinions before, what you heard is correct in some aspects. There are absolutely conflicting viewpoints when it comes to plants in the bedroom from a feng shui perspective.

Our feng shui experts at The Spruce have found that plants are good feng shui for the bedroom. Living green plants bring in wood energy. Wood energy is healing and cultivates kindness and flexibility. The bedroom is the space you spend the most time in, so plants’ power can impact you the most in the bedroom. Studies show that a view of trees, plants, and nature outside a bedroom window is healing. Plants can bring in life and natural energy.

Some feng shui practitioners do not recommend plants in the bedroom because the wood element also has upward and expansive energy. To understand this qi (life force energy), try visualizing a sprout unfurling and pushing out of the seed’s shell. This type of energy may not be the best for those who are sensitive and have trouble sleeping. The active energy of wood may affect your sleep quality, but it really depends on your personal qi.

Depending on the practitioner, there are different views on the feng shui of plants in the bedroom. There are dozens of feng shui schools with slightly varied teachings. That’s the reason why you may see incompatible takes on this topic. For instance, in the BTB school, there’s actually an adjustment for an orchid plant in the bedroom to invite a romantic partnership with a noble and kind person.

There are also practical concerns about plants in the bedroom. We’ve heard people’s worries that bedroom plants may release carbon dioxide into the air at night, therefore disrupting their sleep. But, the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled from house plants is negligible. Besides, there are dozens of plants that absorb carbon dioxide at night. These include:

  • Areca palm
  • Snake plant
  • Peace lily
  • Spider plant
  • Orchids, and more!

If you decide to have a plant in the bedroom, be sure to find one appropriate for your space and you. Does it fit the space? How much light and care does the plant require? Can you commit to taking care of this living being? A sick or dead houseplant is not good for feng shui—in or out of the bedroom.

The key is to test things out for yourself. If you have the urge to put plants in your primary bedroom, listen to that. Try it out and sense how you feel. If it makes no difference, then maybe plants in the bedroom are neutral for you. Again, check in with your senses and listen carefully to what your body and heart tell you.