28 Hums Lotus Mandala Amulet Card


The 28 Hums Lotus Mandala Amulet Card is the ultimate protection talisman.It can protect you leisure trips, business journeys, and whenever you are on the move.


The 28 Hums Lotus Mandala Amulet Card is the ultimate protection talisman designed to safeguard you during leisure trips, business journeys, and whenever you are on the move.

The sacred syllable HUM, inscribed on this powerful amulet, acts as a potent dispeller of harm in all forms. Embrace the positive energy of the HUM syllable and experience the peace of mind. It brings as you venture through life’s various paths.

By carrying this talisman close to you, you can shield yourself from ill intentions and prevent unfortunate events from unfolding. Place it into your wallet or handbag for protection against bad energies and harm.