9 Rings Dragon Sword Keychain


This is an eye-striking key chain comprising the protective 9 Ring Sword – a glistening gold weapon with nine rings fastened to its blade.


This is an eye-striking key chain comprising the protective 9 Ring Sword – a glistening gold weapon with nine rings fastened to its blade. Its handle is studded with three diamonds like clear crystals whilst its blade has the symbol of the majestic Dragon spouting a flaming Ksittigharba Ball.

The 9 Rings Dragon Sword is a classic and truly awe-inspiring sword. The 9 rings were meant to disorientate and confuse the enemy. Over time this amazing sword has become an amulet for business, as many believe that the 9 rings, enhanced by the Power of Nine, can overcome business competitors and conflicts. It can figuratively cut through all obstacles and hindrances in your way to let you smoothly achieve your goals. Additionally, the Dragon, being the ultimate symbol of auspiciousness, symbolizes courage and good fortune whilst the flaming Ksittigharba Ball is a great enhancer for the # 9 Star as well as a cure for the annual and monthly afflictions of the troublesome #3 Star.

Keep 9 Rings Dragon Sword Key Chain with you all the time to increase your business and career luck. Hang it on or pop it in your bag. Dangle it on the rearview mirror of your car so that your personal ‘guardian angel’ is always there with you, to protect you from harm and bring you good luck. This way, the special amulet can be your very own Feng Shui lucky charm wherever you are.

Check out our wide range of Auspicious Amulets and Feng Shui Key Chains for protection and blessings.