Bejeweled Wish Fulfilling Money Frog on Elephant


Display the Bejeweled Wish-Fulfilling Money Frog on Elephant in your home or office to enjoy all the blessings associated with wealth, power, and protection.

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This is an absolutely magnificent Bejeweled Wish-Fulfilling Money Frog on Elephant, featuring the perfect combination of wealth and protection to ensure your fortune is well guarded and there is a continuous influx of money. Gold plated and highly polished, it is embellished with colorful crystals and enamel for a sparkling accent. The Money Toad is depicted with its characteristic coin in the mouth whilst the majestic Elephant has its trunk up to symbolize good luck and victory. Place the Bejeweled Wish-Fulfilling Money Frog on Elephant in a well-lit area and it will shine and sparkle, emanating positive vibes and good Feng Shui.

The Money Frog or “Chan Chu” in Chinese is one of the most auspicious symbols of money-making in Feng Shui where its presence heralds good news of increased wealth or monetary gain. Elephants are considered sacred in many cultures and nations and have evolved into a Feng Shui symbol of strength, power, wisdom, fertility, and general good luck. The pairing of these two auspicious animals means financial stability, success and victory in your career and business, and protection from wealth loss as well as general harm.

Elegantly crafted, this gorgeous bejeweled has a secret compartment that can act as a wish-fulfilling box. Write down your wishes on a piece of paper and place them in the hidden compartment to enhance your chances for them to materialize. You can even use it to store your favorite trinkets.

Display it in your home or office to enjoy all the blessings associated with the Money Frog and Elephant symbols- wealth, power, and protection. Besides being a fabulous showpiece and beautiful collectible, you can also dazzle your loved ones with this lovely and meaningful gift.

Check out our wide range of Bejeweled Miniatures for more enchanting bejeweled products.