Carry the Big Auspicious Amulet with Chalice of Prosperity to capture the “Big Auspicious” energies of the year and elevate yourself to a whole new level!
The Big Auspicious is a special Feng Shui Star that brings great luck in business, careers, power, and recognition. It is believed to manifest awesome opportunities and windfalls that bring immense wealth luck and good fortune that will change your life in a big way. You will become a magnet for big things to come to you if you are able to harness its energy. If the stars of Big Auspicious are in your annual 24 Mountains chart, it would benefit greatly to have this Feng Shui amulet although everyone should have one regardless of animal sign.
Perfect for those who have been waiting for that golden opportunity, who have been stuck in a rut or want to climb the corporate ladder quickly.