Chi Lin Vase – Kei Loon, Qi Ling Wealth Vase

The powerful Chi Lin is featured on this vibrant vase, used to store wealth luck and abundance for all family members.


The powerful Chi Lin is featured on this vibrant vase, used to store wealth luck and abundance for all family members. In Chinese culture, the vase has long been seen as a tool for attracting unending abundance. This makes the vase highly popular and has made it as one of the Eight Auspicious Symbols in Buddhism. The vase can be displayed alongside your collection of vases in your home and is said to help attract magnified abundance and good fortune.

In cosmic terms, the Chi Lin is the Dragon Horse, combining the wisdom of the Dragon with the courage of the Horse. Together, they symbolize the very best of auspicious good fortune. In Chinese lore, the Chi Lin is believed to be a strong protection symbol while also encouraging prosperity, success and a long life. Displaying the Chi Lin Vase is an excellent way to attract blessings for the entire family in protection, wisdom and prosperity.

Additional information

Weight 1.3 kg
Dimensions 9 × 9 × 15 cm