Citrine Fox Crystal Pendant

Suspecting your other half is being unfaithful or having an extra-marital affair? Or worried that it will happen? This Infidelity Protection Fox Amulet pendant carved from citrine crystal can be worn to deter a third party from seducing and snatching your spouse away.


Suspecting your other half is being unfaithful or having an extra-marital affair? Or worried that it will happen? This Infidelity Protection Fox Amulet pendant carved from citrine crystal can be worn to deter a third party from seducing and snatching your spouse away.

For many centuries, Citrine has been known as the “stone of wealth”, “merchant stone” or “success stone”, due to its potency reputed to attract business, abundance and prosperity luck. For those who wears it, it is believed to serve as a money magnet, bringing business success, an abundance of affluence and good fortune luck, sometimes in unexpected ways.

This “happy stone” dissipates negative energies of all kinds and will create mental wellbeing by ridding your mind of negative thoughts and clouded judgement thus reduces self-destructive tendencies while stimulating joy, cheer and contentment. Citrine has been known to overcome fears, emotional traumas, grief and phobias, relieve depression, anger, self-doubt and irrational mood swings and promote inner calm. Citrine also increases creativity and encourages honesty.

According to Feng Shui masters, Citrine will be extremely powerful during the Period 8 (2004 – 2024). This is the period of the Earth element, and because this stone comes from the Earth and has an earthy color, its energies and potency will become much more effective.

Comes with a free necklace.

Additional information

Weight 0.025 kg
Dimensions 2.2 × 2.2 × 1 cm