Clear Quartz Crystal Chips 100 Gram


Clear Quartz has very strong powers of protection against anyone who doesn’t mean you well. Simply add them to anywhere you desire


Clear Quartz has very strong powers of protection against anyone who doesn’t mean you well. Clear Quartz is a pure and powerful energy source that has the ability to transmit and receive energy. In transmission, it can amplify and focus the positive energy. In receiving, it can store energy, dispel any negativity, and can be charged or ‘programmed’ into specific healing energy for later use. Because of this special attribute, Clear quartz has the ability to enhance the energies of other gemstones and natural crystals when placed near them.

To harness the benefits that these crystal chips bring, simply add them to anywhere you desire – in your purse or wallet, your handbag, in a little pouch and kept in your pocket or under your pillow, in a small bowl on your bedside table, or work desk – there are endless possibilities! Perfect for your wealth pots or around your other crystal items.

Browse through our large selection of Crystal Chips.