Crane and Deer Wu Lou Key Chain


The Crane and Deer Wu Lou Key Chain has all the attributes of a power health-enhancing symbol for protection against the #2 Sickness Star.

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This is a lovely key chain featuring a miniature golden Wu Lou (Gourd or Calabash) embossed with the images of the Deer, Crane, and Bamboo plant which are all symbols of long life and endurance. Coupled with the Wu Lou, an established symbol of longevity and good health, the potency of this Golden Wu Lou as a health enhancer is multiplied.

The Wu Lou, often associated with Sau, the longevity God, is a well-known symbol of good health and longevity. It is said to contain the nectar of immortality and has the power to absorb the sickness energy, storing it in its endless bottom in order not to let the sickness chi hurt you. Many generations of Chinese invite this special gourd into their homes not only for longevity and good health but also to ward off bad chi and promote good fortune.

Bamboo is a symbol or icon of longevity, good health, and endurance because of its ability to stay evergreen all year round and flourish almost everywhere, perpetually upright, strong, and resilient while still being gentle, graceful, and refined. Even under harsh weather conditions, the bamboo will bend but not break.

The deer are often seen by the side of Sau, the God of Longevity, one of the deities of Fuk Luk Sau, which is a symbol of longevity and endurance. The deer is traditionally believed to be the only animal able to find the magical lingzhi, fungus of immortality, strengthening its status as a symbol for vitality, rejuvenation, endurance, and excellent health. Deer in Chinese is pronounced as “Luk”, which also means good income and prosperity, thus the deer also signifies wealth and prosperity. It represents monetary gains and has the ability to bring you out of troubled times and financial woes.

The Crane and Deer Wu Lou Key Chain not only has all the attributes of a power health-enhancing symbol for protection against the #2 Sickness Star, but it also attracts blessings of wealth, happiness, and good fortune. The metal make of this Wu Lou is ideal for weakening the malicious wood energy of the #2 Flying Star. Together, all the symbols of longevity, healing, and prosperity will protect you against illness and bad luck, ensuring a long, healthy, and prosperous life.

Check out our wide selections of Feng Shui Key Chains and Health & Longevity Enhancers for protection, healing, and enhancement.

Additional information

Weight 0.14 kg
Dimensions 2 × 2 × 5.1 cm



Gold Plated