Faceted Assorted Square Gemstones Bracelet


A gorgeous bracelet made up of assorted bicone and square crystals strung on tough elastic cordings.

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A gorgeous bracelet made up of assorted bicone and square crystals strung on tough elastic cordings.

Crystals, being Earth element brings good luck to its wearer in this Earth Period of 8.

This crystal product will be cleansed of negative energy by using the singing bowl before shipment to empower it with positive Sheng Ch’i.

Please note that natural crystals, unlike man-made crystals, may have blemishes, uneven textures, and colors, inclusions, or internal fractures in them. These are not flaws and are perfectly fine in the context of Feng Shui.

Additional information

Weight 0.04 kg
Dimensions 6 × 0.375 × 0.125 cm


