Jadeite Feng Shui Dragon Spewing Sheng Chi Pearl

This beautiful figurine of the Chinese Dragon made of jade-imitation resin depicted spouting cosmic breath and red pearl of success will bring a torrent of good fortune energy and achievement luck into you abode.


This beautiful figurine of the Chinese Dragon made of jade-imitation resin depicted spouting cosmic breath and red pearl of success will bring a torrent of good fortune energy and achievement luck into you abode. It is a highly sought-after symbol and would make an impressive display on your workdesk.

The Dragon, which is the most potent symbol of Yang, is one of the four celestial animals in Feng Shui. It is regarded as the “Supreme Being” in comparison to all other worldly animals, because it can survive in any environment; the sea, the mountains and even the heavens. It is a mystical creature that has held emblem since ancient times, when it was believed to transfuse courage and heroism to the beholder. The dragon symbolizes power, excellence, divinity, nobility and valiancy.

For the Chinese people and for all followers of Feng Shui, the Dragon is the most highly revered animal out of all others, extremely auspicious and always treated with the highest sense of veneration. The Dragon is regarded as the strongest symbol of good fortune because the Dragon is believed to emit a special form of chi, known as “Sheng Chi”, “Celestial Breath” or “Cosmic Breath” . Feng Shui is essentially all about capturing and creating Sheng Chi. It is this Sheng Chi that attracts wealth luck, good fortune, good luck, abundance and success to the area lucky enough to receive it. It is for this reason that the dragon is the most important symbol in feng shui and such a popular lucky symbol used to enhance business success and prosperity.

In Feng Shui term, mountain ranges are often described as dragons. It is not difficult to see how an undulating highland resembles a mythical dragon. Thus, Feng Shui practitioners would look for the ‘dragon’ when they evaluated a piece of property. These topography analysis would be able to tell whether an area or property has good feng shui or not. It is the same analysis that revealed Singapore has five dragons – which explains her economic strength and level of prosperity.

The Dragon can be positioned in a variety of ways around the home or office. According to Feng Shui experts, no matter where the Dragon is displayed, it will serve to defend the area, create confidence, attract wealth and stimulate the vibes of masculinity.

* Adhesive drop-off caused by shock vibe during transit is not uncommon for this product because it is glued to an ultra smooth glass surface. This is not considered a damage and does not warrant a refund. It can easily be glued back and has no negative Feng Shui effect to the enhancer.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg
Dimensions 15.2 × 9.5 × 17.8 cm