Tap into the legendary power of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, who gained immortality from the Peach of Immortality in Xi Wangmu’s gardens. Known for his strength, wisdom, and resilience, Sun Wukong symbolizes the triumph of life and boundless vitality. The Peach of Immortality represents eternal life, health, protection, and enduring vitality—gifts we can all seek
This beautifully crafted card depicts Sun Wukong in all his glory, holding the revered Peach of Immortality, a symbol of eternal health and life. On the reverse, you’ll find the powerful Anti-Illness Talisman, renowned for attracting health, longevity, and protection. This ancient symbol has long been used to safeguard well-being, offering peace of mind and shielding against illness and harm.
Carry this Longevity & Good Health Gold Talisman Card to invoke Sun Wukong’s protective energy, boosting vitality and promoting well-being. A reminder of his strength, it guides you toward better health and success in all areas of life.