Sun & Moon Eight Rod Wind Chime


Add some good Feng Shui to your home with the Sun and Moon Eight Rod with Mantra Wind Chime which emits melodious sounds to clear the air in its surrounding from bad chi.

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The Sun and Moon Eight Rod with Mantra Wind Chime consist of 8 gold plated brass rods strung together on a horizontal metal bar hanging from a bell-shaped base which is adorned with a plethora of auspicious images for protection and blessings. The Sun and Moon (symbolized by the Peacock and Rabbit respectively) and a pair of Elephants are on one side and the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva on the other. Each of the 8 rods is inscribed with the well-known Buddhist mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” to transform all negative energy into positive vibes. Eight rods represent blessings of prosperity and are especially potent during the current Period 8 (2004-2023).

The Sun (Peacock) and Moon (Rabbit) represent the Yin and Yang energies respectively. Yin and Yang are powerful influences in your surroundings whereby when the subtle interaction between these two energies is balanced, a harmonious and happy, and prosperous life will follow. The Sun and Moon representation can be a significant Feng Shui tool to balance the energies of your home or office and also a potent symbol to bring wish-fulfilling luck.

The Elephant has long been a symbol of strength, power, virility, longevity, fidelity, fertility, dignity, intelligence, and wisdom and is considered a sacred creature in many cultures. Additionally, it can act as the grantor of wishes and as the protector of the household.

Samantabhadra, seated on a lotus position atop a Sacred Elephant, symbolizes ultimate wisdom and helps to overcome all obstacles that hinder one’s journey to ultimate prosperity and happiness. Having her image in your home invites compassion and wisdom that will help you and your children develop a kind nature and build strong confidence without fear; Samantabhadra helps you overcome anger and self-doubt and help you see a better way to living your life. The elephant represents one’s journey of transformation to ultimate happiness.

OM MANI PADME HUM is probably the most famous mantra in Buddhism. It is the six syllabled mantras of the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Avalokiteshvara (Tibetan Chenrezig, Chinese Guanyin). The mantra is easy to recite yet powerful because it contains the essence of the entire teachings of Buddha. It has the power to bless the heart and mind of any who come into contact with it. Its special benefit is to uncover and foster the compassion innate in all beings, developing positive qualities and so, happiness naturally increases in one’s life.

Add some good Feng Shui to your home with the Sun and Moon Eight Rod with Mantra Wind Chime which emits melodious sounds to clear the air in its surrounding from bad chi and in turn brings good luck. You may choose to hang it in accordance with the Eight Trigrams Theory, i.e. in the West to activate children’s luck and creativity, in the North West for mentor luck, or to boost career luck in the North). It can also be used to enhance favorable Flying Stars, especially the #1, #6, and #8 stars. This item is also a powerful big metal cure to combat the malicious earth energies of the #2 Illness Star and #5 Fatal Star. Besides looking great and sounding fabulous, the combined energies from the powerful symbols will bring you blessings for success & authority, good health & vitality, joy & prosperity, protection from harm and help fulfill all your wishes.

Check out our large selection of Feng Shui Wind Chimes to suit your specific taste and needs.

Additional information

Weight 0.62 kg
Dimensions 21 × 2.5 × 2.5 cm



Gold Plated