Tri-Coloured 5 Element Pagoda (6 in)


This metal tri-coloured Five Element Pagoda with seed syllables Om Ah Hum is a potent Feng Shui cure to pacify the #5 Misfortune Star in the year 2019. On the square base of the pagoda is inscribed with the mantra of wish-fulfilling to spread out powerful blessings to its surrounding.

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This metal tri-coloured Five Element Pagoda with seed syllables Om Ah Hum is a potent Feng Shui cure to pacify the #5 Misfortune Star in the year 2019. On the square base of the pagoda is inscribed with the mantra of wish-fulfilling to spread out powerful blessings to its surrounding.

Place it in the Southwest in the year 2019 to purify the misfortune energies brought by the #5 Flying Star effectively. Every time you walk pass and see this Pagoda, make a silent wish to invoke the mantra that is believed to grant wishes.

In the year 2020 the Flying Star #5 Wu Wang moves to the East (affecting Rabbits), and 2021 into SE, affecting Dragons and Snakes.

As for most Feng Shui cures, we do not recommend recycling them after a year of usage because it would have absorbed a good deal of negative energy and its power is weakened. If your cure is broken, looks tired/worn out or has damage of any kind, it is a MUST to replace it.