This Victory Banner Medallion is a powerful talisman to ensure victory, making the path to success and happiness smooth and hassle-free. This round-shaped medallion features a Victory Banner surround by other auspicious emblems such as a victory horse, 6 Chinese coins, and double fish on one side, and a powerful seed syllable on the other. Both sides are encircled with powerful mantras for protection as well. The Victory Banner brings success and victory while the powerful mantras grant wishes and clears obstacles to success. Made from high-quality metal, this item also acts as a formidable metal cure to weaken the malignant stars #2 Black and #5 Yellow.
One of the most ubiquitous Buddhism symbols, the Victory Banner (also known as Dhvaja), was adopted by Buddhism as one of the Eight Auspicious Objects. It is a powerful symbol of triumph- the victory of the Buddha’s teachings, enlightenment, and wisdom over ignorance. Display it in the center of your home or office to help you triumph over evils, obstacles, obstructions, enemies, competitions, disagreements, problems, and disharmony. It is also an excellent symbol for wealth recovery, ideal for people who have gone through a very bad time financially. In Feng Shui, it is used to represent success in career and triumph in all areas of life including business pursuits and examination.
Wear or keep the Golden Victory Banner Medallion Amulet with you at all times to increase the actualization of your aspirations which leads to success and fulfillment. Hang it on or pop it in your bag. Dangle it on the rearview mirror of your car so that your personal ‘guardian angel’ is always there with you, to protect you from harm and bring you good luck. This way, the special amulet can work as a Feng Shui good luck charm to herald your success against obstacles, competitions, envious people, hindrances wherever you go.
Check out our wide range of Feng Shui Amulets and Victory Symbols for blessings and protection.