Wind Horse Carrying Jewel, Bejeweled


The Wind Horse, a mythical creature revered in Tibetan culture, combines the speed of the wind and the strength of the horse to carry prayers from earth to the heavens. It usually appears as the center image of the auspicious prayer flags known as “Lung Ta”, bearing wish fulfilling jewels on its back to radiate positive energy, stimulate good fortune and well being.

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This beautiful Wind Horse Carrying Jewel, Bejeweled carefully crafted with special attention given to details. It is embellished with gold trappings and crystals which add a touch of opulence to this breathtaking ornament. Depicted in elegant mid-trot with connotation of victory nobility and success, it is synonymous with strength, speed and vitality. Besides, the jewels on its back symbolize wealth and treasures. Place this portrait of equine grace and beauty in a well-lit area and it will shine. Also, it will sparkle, emanating good ‘chi’ and vibes that attract good wealth luck to the people in its surrounding.

The Wind Horse combines the speed of wind and strength of horse to carry prayers from earth to heavens. It usually appears as the center image of the auspicious prayer flags known as “Lung Ta”.  Bearing wish-fulfilling jewels on its back to radiate positive energy, stimulate good fortune and well being.

tibetan wind horse

In Chinese Feng Shui, Horses (seventh sign of the Chinese Zodiac) symbolizes perseverance, achievement, loyalty, victory, power, freedom and speed. It also symbolised success-all great attributes to hasten your climb up the corporate ladder or get your business roaring. Additionally, this item is also ideal for the Sheep born (secret friend) as well as those whose zodiac signs are the Dog and Tiger (horoscope allies).

Be sure to benefit from the beneficial energy of the Bejeweled Wind Horse Carrying Jewel by displaying it prominently on your work desk. Besides being a fabulous showpiece, the combined energies from the powerful symbols will bring you triumph and victory. It also will bring you strength and success.

Check out more Feng Shui Horse to brings you success and victory for your career journey.

Additional information

Weight 0.36 kg
Dimensions 10.2 × 3.8 × 10.2 cm


