Windhorse-Boosting Victory Flag

In the year 2020, the #1 Victory Star arrives in the Northeast sector and will be especially helpful for the Ox or Tiger-born, as well as anyone whose home faces the Northeast. Anyone whose bedroom or office is in the Northeast and the youngest son in a family will also be blessed with victory luck this year.


In the year 2020, the #1 Victory Star arrives in the Northeast sector and will be especially helpful for the Ox or Tiger-born, as well as anyone whose home faces the Northeast. Anyone whose bedroom or office is in the Northeast and the youngest son in a family will also be blessed with victory luck this year.

All who desire success and the ability to triumph over the competition, either in a personal or business matter, should look to the Victory Star for help. However, because it arrives into an Earth sector in 2020, its strongest power is weakened somewhat and will need a boost in energy.

This Victory Flag, featuring all 5 elemental colors, is complete with the Windhorse for success and the mantra of King Gesar. It was specially designed to accomplish the enhancement of success luck spectacularly and should be placed in the Northeast sector for best results.

In year of the Ox 2021, the Flying Star #1 resides in the South. It moves to the North in year of the Tiger 2022.

Additional information

Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 6.5 × 12 × 23 cm