
Rooster Zodiac Chinese Sign 2021

Year of the Rooster

Recent years of the Rooster include 2029, 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, and 1945.

The Rooster is 10th among the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac cycle. Every 12 years is a Rooster year, beginning at Chinese New Year.

Chinese Zodiac Rooster Years

People born in a year of the Rooster are called Roosters in China. You have a one in 12 chance of being a Rooster


Zodiac Rooster Year When Type of Rooster
1933 January 26, 1933 – February 13, 1934 Water Rooster
1945 February 13, 1945 – February 1, 1946 Wood Rooster
1957 January 31, 1957 – February 17, 1958 Fire Rooster
1969 February 17, 1969 – February 5, 1970 Earth rooster
1981 February 5, 1981 – January 24, 1982 Gold rooster
1993 January 23, 1993 – February 9, 1994 Water Rooster
2005 February 9, 2005 – January 28, 2006 Wood Rooster
2017 January 28, 2017 – February 15, 2018 Fire Rooster
2029 February 13, 2029 – February 2, 2030 Earth Rooster


Zodiac Rooster’s Personality: Roosters are observant, hardworking…

People born in a year of the Rooster are very observant. Hardworking, resourceful, courageous, and talented, Roosters are very confident in themselves.

Active, Amusing, and Popular Among a Crowd

Roosters are always active, amusing, and popular within a crowd. Roosters are talkative, outspoken, frank, open, honest, and loyal individuals. They like to be the centre of attention and always appear attractive and beautiful.

Roosters are happiest when they are surrounded by others, whether at a party or just a social gathering. They enjoy the spotlight and will exhibit their charm on any occasion.

Roosters expect others to listen to them while they speak, and can become agitated if they don’t. Vain and boastful, Roosters like to brag about themselves and their accomplishments.

Their behaviour of continually seeking the unwavering attention of others annoys people around them at time

Lucky Things for Roosters:

  • Numbers: 5, 7, and 8
  • Days: the 4th and 26th of any Chinese lunar month
  • Colours: gold, brown, and yellow
  • Flowers: gladiola, cockscomb
  • Directions: south, southeast
  • Months: the 2nd, 5th, and 11th Chinese lunar months.

Unlucky Things for Roosters:

  • Colour: red
  • Numbers: 1, 3, and 9
  • Direction: east
  • Months: the 3rd, 9th, and 12th Chinese lunar months
Wood, Fire, Earth, Gold, and Water Roosters

In Chinese astrology, each zodiac year is not just associated with an animal sign but also with one of the five elements: Gold (Metal), Wood, Water, Fire, or Earth.

Both the zodiac sign and element are believed to affect one’s personality and destiny. Below are the five types of Rooster:


Type of Rooster Year of Birth Characteristics
Wood Rooster 1945, 2005 Energetic, overconfident, tender, and unstable
Fire Rooster 1957, 2017 Trustworthy, with a strong sense of timekeeping and responsibility at work
Earth Rooster 1909, 1969 Lovely, generous, trustworthy, and popular with their friends
Gold Rooster 1921, 1981 Determined, brave, perseverant, and hardworking
Water Rooster 1933, 1993 Smart, quick-witted, tenderhearted, and compassionate


Love Compatibility for Roosters

Each animal sign has its unique characteristics. The love compatibility of Chinese zodiac animals takes into account the characteristics of each animal. Only those whose characteristics match well can be good partners. See below the compatibility of the Rooster with other animals.

  • Best with an Ox or Snake
  • Worst with a Rat, Rabbit, Horse, or Pig
Best Suited Careers for Roosters

Roosters are more motivated than other animals in the Chinese zodiac, making their careers a priority in their lives. Roosters are hardworking, multi-talented, and can deal with a variety of jobs.

Good career choices for Roosters are news broadcaster, salesperson, restaurant owner, hairdresser, public relations officer, farmer, athlete, teacher, writer, journalist, travel writer, dentist, surgeon, soldier, fireman, security guard, and a police officer.

How to Build Relationships with Roosters

Roosters are loyal and they make devoted friends. They always keep their promises and are always true to their word. However, sensitive individuals may find it hard to get along well with Roosters because they always brag about themselves and their accomplishments, which may make others feel uncomfortable.

Roosters’ Horoscope for 2021

The overall luck of Roosters (people born in a year of the Rooster) in 2021 is relatively stable. Besides, Roosters, your career and financial luck are very smooth: as long as you work hard, you will get a good deal.

Due to good interpersonal relationships and high emotional intelligence, Roosters will meet many rich or noble people. And these parties are set to bring wealth to Roosters in the year 2021.


Learn more about Rooster’s Monthly Forecast in 2021.

Famous Rooster People
Famous Rooster Birth Date Element
Bob Marley February 6, 1945 Wood Rooster
Jennifer Lopez July 24, 1969 Earth Rooster
Britney Spears December 2, 1981 Gold Rooster
Hans Zimmer September 12, 1957 Fire Rooster