The Positive Chi and Negative Chi energy

The Chinese refer to chi energy as the Prana (life force) of all matter. All feng shui applications rely on chi (qi) energy. The goal of feng shui is to create and maintain a natural flow of prana or chi energy. By keeping the chi energy in balance, the harmony in the homes, offices, businesses and other venues will be present. 

Chi’s Yin and Yang halves

Chi energy is made up of two opposing energies: yin (female) and yang (male) (male). The yin yang philosophy uses this framework to explain the complexities and patterns of life. To move creation forward, the negative (yin) and positive (yang) energies work in tandem. There can be no life if one is missing. 

The Yin Energy

Chi energy’s feminine (yin) side. It is a nurturing, giving, and restive passive form of chi energy.

Active yang energy requires a balance, which yin provides.

Yang energy would create chaos and destruction if it didn’t have the balance that yin energy provides.

A restful feng shui bedroom design requires yin energy, according to feng shui.

Water and plants (yang energies) should never be used in bedrooms because they are both yang energies. 

The Yang Energy

The masculine (yang) side of chi energy is what propels creation. Yang energy, in contrast to yin energy’s passivity, is aggressive.

Yang energy can be generated through activities in feng shui.

In kitchens, for example, yang energy is generated by the fire element used to cook food. The family is most active in the living room, and this activity generates yang energy. 

Favourable and Unfavourable Chi (qi) 

The infinite cycle of life of chi energy demonstrates its function. The energies of yin and yang attract and repel each other. This interaction produces chi, which is complete energy. Chi energy creates, multiplies, and grows in abundance when it is in perfect balance and harmony. It has an ebb and flows rhythm to it. Feng Shui’s goal is to achieve and maintain this vital balance between yin and yang energies so that you can benefit from its powerful framework. Feng shui is a set of principles that help the chi energy flow freely throughout your home or office. 

Sheng Chi

In feng shui, the sheng chi is referred to as positive energy or auspicious. Sheng is a Chinese word that means upward-moving energy. This is what you want to bring into your home: the feeling of energy rising and lifting your spirits with it. Sheng chi instils a sense of well-being and good health. Sheng energy can manifest in a variety of ways, each of which can be distinguished by how it makes you feel. When you commune with nature, such as at a waterfall, forest, mountainside, or beach, you can sense the healthy wholeness of sheng energy. 


The goal of feng shui is to replicate that feeling of well-being and positive, uplifting energy flow. This is accomplished by employing feng shui principles such as: 

  • Light: To attract sheng chi, increase natural light in rooms and add artificial lighting.
  • Boost auspicious chi by doing the following: To reinforce auspicious feng shui energies, layer colours, furniture, art, accessories, and other aesthetics into the room design.
  • Compass directions: To activate specific elements for each sector, use compass sectors.
  •  Free the clutters: Remove all types of clutter from both inside and outside your home.

Si Chi

Sheng chi is the polar opposite of si chi. It is a form of energy that diminishes over time. Shi chi, unlike sheng chi, has a very low vibrational level. Life cannot be sustained at this low level of energy. Si chi gradually consumes its surroundings. Decomposition occurs when the matter is broken down. Dust, clutter, debris, dirty carpets/rugs, cobwebs, clogged drains, leaky faucets, and any stagnant energy, especially clutter, are examples of this energy. All of these examples have a low level of energy that erodes and breaks down matter over time.  

Yin and Yang energy

Negative chi energy is the easiest to remove. Cleaning and repairing are all that is required to counteract the destructive force of decaying energy. Here are a few simple ways to combat common household si chi: 

  • Organize your drawers, cabinets, and closets.
  • Trim the lawns and overgrown bushes.
  • Sweep the walkways, porches and paths. 
  • Fix dripping faucets, running toilets, torn screen windows, broken glass panes, locks, and appliances.
  • Refurbish with paint to give it a new lease on life.
  • Allowing trash to accumulate is not a good idea.

Sha Chi 

The sha or shar chi energy is known as the “killing energy” and is also defined as the “death energy.” This is also referred to as negative chi (not to be confused with yin chi). Natural land formations, man-made buildings, objects, or places such as a street, cemetery, or bridge can all be sources of chi. 


  • Poison arrows: Streets, sharp corners, edges, columns, utility poles, and rooflines of neighbouring homes and buildings all create straight lines for some forms of sha chi to travel. Poison arrows are the result of these sharp angles.
  • Stagnant Chi: This type of sha chi blocks the natural flow of chi energy, effectively killing it. Before chi energy can reach your home, the sha chi blocks all positive aspects of it. This can be caused by natural or man-made blockages, causing chi energy to the pool and stagnate.

 Here are a few examples of sha chi:

  • Sharp interiors or furniture can create poison arrows. 
  • The clutter can create stagnant chi both inside and outside. 
  • A cul-de-sac interrupts the flow of energy, causing it to pool and stagnate, preventing it from reaching your home.

The three Divine Luck Chi energies. 

The Tian, Di, and Ren chi energies are the trinity in Chinese metaphysics.


Buddha Statue by the sun

Tian Chi

The sky or heaven luck is what tian chi energy is defined as. The heavens have bestowed chi energy on the Earth. The yang principle of Tian chi is said to extend beyond the sky. It also includes everything in heaven, including the moon, sun, stars, and all other celestial bodies. Since it generates chi energy to nourish the Earth, the tian chi has a direct impact on the planet and all of its inhabitants.

Tain chi provides the aggressive action needed to create a life by bringing the yin principle of Earth together. The Four Pillars of Destiny can help you understand how the movement of these celestial bodies affects your earth luck and how to take advantage of favourable energies.

Di Chi

Earth luck, also known as di chi, is a framework for chi energy on the planet. The yin response to the yang energy of tian chi is di chi, which is the Earth chi. Earth’s yin energy gives the tian chi (yang) a framework within the Earth dimension, completing it. These two energies work together to create a complete chi energy cycle. As a result, the earth and heaven chi are a manifestation of the yin yang cycle of life, which is a never-ending interaction, dependent on each other. It is impossible for one energy to exist without the other. 

As a result of tian chi’s direct influence, di chi provides for all life on Earth. A simple example is rain, which falls from the sky and nourishes all life on Earth. An Eight Mansions Luck Map, along with other feng shui tools, can be used to capitalize on earth luck in feng shui.

Ren Chi

Ren chi is the name for mankind’s (human) luck. The chi energy defined by Earth and its tools can be used by humans. Human energy is ren chi. It travels between the heavens and the Earth and can bestow auspicious energies and good fortune on the individual. It can’t exist unless di chi backs it up. The energy (chi) of the residents is an important consideration in feng shui, especially for a home. You can see Ren chi in the way you act and the decisions you make.

Using individual Kua numbers is one way for family members to benefit from ren chi. Each person in the house has four auspicious and four inauspicious directions defined by the Kua number. Each family member can use their Kua number to determine the best sleeping, eating, studying, working, and relaxing directions. 

Balancing the Chi Energy in your Home 

Following basic feng shui principles is the best way to achieve balanced chi energy in your home. While chi is intangible, when you use feng shui to attract auspicious chi, you’ll soon notice the visible results. This powerful energy manifests as wealth, advancement in your career, better health, and the accumulation of wealth and blessings for your family.