Amber Use in Feng Shui


Amber is actually not a stone but a fossilized resin from evergreen trees. It looks and feels similar to a gemstone and is often treated as one, having been a popular jewellery element for many years. Generally a golden or brown colour, it is considered to be healing and soothing.

  • Colours: Usually golden brown, yellow, or orange, though it can sometimes be red, green, or blue
  • Chakra: All, especially the crown and throat
  • Number: Vibrates to 3
  • Planet: Sun
  • Zodiac: Leo, Aquarius
  • Bagua areas: Tai Qi (Health)
  • Elements: Earth
  • Origin: Russia, Poland, UK, Italy, Romania, Dominican Republic, Germany, Myanmar


Meaning and Uses

Amber is great for the times when you want to focus on health and healing. While it’s not technically a gemstone, it often uses similarly natural crystals and has similar energetic and healing properties. It uses for many centuries to remedy all sorts of ailments, including headaches, sore throats, and more. Energetically, amber clears all of the chakras in the body and create a shield of protection to absorb and transmute negative energies.

Amber is most often found in earthy colours, like yellow, orange, and golden brown. In feng shui, these colours are connected to the Tai Qi (health) area of the feng shui Bagua map. The Tai Qi area is in the centre of the Bagua, so it’s connected to all other parts of your home and your life. If you think about health, this makes sense: taking care of your physical body impacts all other areas of your life, including your career, your relationships, your ability to attract wealth, and more. The Tai Qi area is also related to the earth element, which is all about grounding, stability, and nourishment. It’s often a good idea to work with the earth element if you feel ungrounded or anxious or want to work on boundaries.

Types of Amber

There are a few different varieties of amber that you might come across:

  • Baltic Amber

The most common form of amber, Baltic amber, found on land near the Baltic Sea. This type is also called succinite because it contains up to 8% succinic acid.

  • Dominican Amber

Dominican amber comes from the Dominican Republic. In contrast to Baltic amber, Dominican amber is generally more transparent in colour and can occasionally be found in red, green, or blue. It’s mined through bell pitting, which is a hazardous process, so it’s important to be conscious of where your amber is coming from.

  • Green Amber

Green amber treats with heat, which may diminish some of its natural healing properties.

Uses in Feng Shui
  • Activate Tai Qi, the Health Bagua Area

If you’d like more support in your overall health and wellbeing, you may want to place a piece of amber in your Tai Qi (health) area of your home. It’s easy to find—it’s the centre of your home. As you’re placing your amber, you can set the intention to invite in more radiant health.

  • In the Bedroom

You can also place amber in the centre of your bedroom or underneath your bed’s centre to invite more earth energy here. Because your bedroom represents you, this would be a beneficial location if you want to invite more stability, support, and grounding into your personal life.

  • In the Kitchen

Amber can be a great addition to your kitchen. Your kitchen represents how you care for and nourish yourself. Try placing amber here to transmute any negative energy that might make its way into this part of your home. This will allow you to prepare food in your kitchen with loving, positive energy, which is more nourishing.

  • On Your Altar

You can also place amber on your altar. If you don’t have an altar, you may want to try setting one up. Find a surface in your home that does not easily disturb and gather a few objects that are sacred to you. These could be photos of your ancestors, an oracle deck, a vase of fresh flowers, or anything else that you find meaningful. As you’re adding amber to your altar, consider your intention. Are you looking for healing? A more calm mind? Amber helps us manifest our desires into reality, so you can try setting an intention for your amber to help you bring one of your dreams to life.

  • On Your Body

You can also wear amber on your body to change your personal feng shui. Long admired for its beauty, amber is often crafted into jewellery. Carrying amber with you in the form of a necklace, bracelet, ring, or earrings can be a way to carry amber’s healing, protective energy with you wherever you go.