Brass Mini Bull


A Brass Mini Bull, a mini figurine of a Bull/Ox, muscular and strong, shown with two horns and ready to charge.

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Brass Mini Bull, a mini figurine of a Bull/Ox, muscular and strong, shown with two horns and ready to charge. This sculpture is a symbol of aggressive financial optimism and prosperity, leaning back on its haunches and with its head lowered as if ready to charge.

Place this item in any room in your home or office to symbolize your personal interest being safe-guarded and protected from people with ill intentions. Very well suited to people born in the year of Ox and people who invest heavily in the stock market.

What the Ox Symbolizes and its Application in Symbolism Feng Shui

The Ox (second Horoscope animal of the Chinese Zodiac) is the sign of the intelligent and self-confident, patient and methodical, helpful and hardworking. The Ox is responsible for family and believes in authority. Because of his steady and trustworthy character, the Ox person will be entrusted with positions of authority and responsibility. He will not fall short where duty calls. Placing the Ox figurines in your home or workplace will strengthen and enhance all the good traits and characteristics it represents in family members born in the year of Ox.

The Ox’s direction is in the Northeast 1 (7.5 degrees to 37.5 degrees) and its intrinsic element is earth. The Ox’s allies are the Rooster and the Snake. The Rat is its secret friend.

Here is how to use the Brass Mini Bull to Feng Shui your way to a better life:

For people born in Ox year, place Ox figurine in sector between 7.5 to 37.5 degrees sector home or office. According to big Tai Chi (house) or small Tai Chi, it can enhance your personal wealth luck. You will also benefit by placing it in the sectors that correspond to your allies: SNAKE (127.5° – 157.5°) or ROOSTER (247.5° – 277.5°).

This will ensure a smooth sailing and successful year ahead as your Chinese horoscope sign figurine will assist you. Also, it protects you from trouble whether it be at work, at school or business, during good or difficult times. It will also enhance your education and knowledge luck as this is what the Southeast sector governs based on Pakua’s Eight Life Aspirations Method.

If your horoscope reading says you will experience a tough year ahead, worry not. Your Ox figurine will give you the strength to see through it. Besides, it helps you to overcome obstacles. Also, makes the most out of it to reap maximum benefits. Your Ox figurine will also help you to keep friends loyal to you. Also, preventing betrayal from acquaintances you thought were friends. This Feng Shui remedy recommended by many Feng Shui masters and will not disappoint you.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 6.7 × 3.8 × 5.1 cm
