Feng Shui Living Room with These Easy Steps


Having a balanced, positively energized space is important for your well-being. Where you live and how it makes you feel makes a huge difference in your quality of living. While your bedroom and bathroom may be the first rooms to come to mind, your living room shouldn’t be forgotten.

The living room is a space where you, members of your family, and friends all gather. Therefore it’s important to ensure this space has good feng shui and welcoming to all who enter it. We have nine easy steps for creating good feng shui in your living room. All it takes is a little decluttering and balancing of elements in the room.

01. Clear the Space

Space clearing is always an important step in creating good feng shui. The living room is especially important to space clear often because it’s one of the more public areas of the home. You can use different space clearing techniques, like smudging, diffusing essential oils, or ringing bells.

02. Air It Out

A super-easy way to clear your living room is to open up all the windows for a minimum of nine minutes. Nine is the most auspicious number in feng shui.

This allows for any old and stale energy to leave and make room for new. And while you’re at it, clean the windows. Use a non-toxic glass cleaner or just plain vinegar and water.

03. Declutter Your Stuff

The truth of our modern times is that we have way too much “stuff” that accumulates in our spaces. All the clutter in our home mirrors the overwhelm, stress, and hectic busyness of our everyday lives.

You’ll know if the living room needs a major overhaul or if it’s just a couple of things that need tidying up. Figure out what is appropriate for you and make some space. Remember, not every corner needs to be filled up.

04. Make Good Use of the Bagua

Overlay the feng shui Bagua energy map on your home to see which of the nine areas corresponds to the location of your living room. You can then use the qualities of this area to enhance the feng shui of your living room. An easy way to do this is to apply the color of the area.

For example, if your living room is in the helpful people area, you can use the color gray to invite more benefactors into your life. If your living room is in two Bagua areas, it’s a bonus!

05. Balance the Five Elements

The five elements are a Taoist system that uses nature’s cycles to inform and balance our health and well-being. The five elements are earth, metal, water, wood, and fire.

An easy way to bring good feng shui into your living room is to include something from each of the five elements in your space.

Here’s an easy overview of the five elements using color and shape:

  • Earth is earthy brown, orange, yellow colors, and flat, square shapes.
  • Metal is white, gray, metallic colors, and spherical, round shapes.
  • Water is black, very dark blue colors, and curvy, wavy shapes.
  • Wood is blue, green colors, and rectangular, columnar shapes.
  • Fire is fiery, red colors, and triangular shapes.
06. Meaningful Color

Feng shui color theory and symbolism relate to the Bagua map as well as the five elements. Therefore, color is used in feng shui to enhance or support particular areas in your life.

A simple way to work with color in your living room is to check out the feng shui color A-Z post and find the energy you want to cultivate. Then you can bring it into the living room using paint, furniture, art, or other accessories.

It’s important to honor your intuition. If you are attracted to a particular color, go for it. Next, if a color doesn’t feel right to you, pay attention to that. If you listen carefully, you know what it is you need.

07. Make Space for Each Inhabitant

Since the living room is a space in the home that is shared, consider the furniture. Make sure there’s a comfortable seat for each member of the household. Each person in the home should feel welcome and accommodated.

It’s also ideal for arranging the furniture to invite conversation and interaction. This means having seating that faces each other. If possible, when seated, minimize having anyone sit with their back facing the door.

08. Fill Your Home With Plants

Living green plants bring life energy into your home. It’s a super simple way to bring good feng shui into your living room. Be sure to provide enough light, space, water, and TLC.

09. Feng Shui Your Art

Art is a personal thing as far as the feng shui of art in the living room, keep in mind these three points.

First, you can bring in meaningful colors or the five elements through an image. For example, a fiery red painting invokes fire energy for passion, recognition, and visibility.

Second, if possible, avoid art that is emotionally charged or that has a history with you. Often homeowners will have a piece of art hanging in their home that they have negative feelings about. Maybe it belonged to an ex, or it’s something they very much dislike. Yet it’s still hanging there in their living room. Let it go!

Finally, don’t hang the art too low. When the artwork is low, the energy will also be low and lead to depression. Hang the art at the appropriate height for the space and the size of the piece.