Good Feng Shui Main Entrance Design

Good feng shui design in your main entrance is very important for obvious reasons. Through the main entrance, the house absorbs its main feng shui energy nourishment. So, you have to focus on creating a good feng shui main entrance if you want to live in a good feng shui house. Here you will find tips to help you create a good feng shui design in your main entry and solutions for various main entrance feng shui challenges.

Create Good Feng Shui In Your Main Entry

The main entry is very important in feng shui. Through the main door, the house absorbs its Chi or feng shui energy nourishment when a home has good energy circulating throughout. These people who live in the house experience higher levels of well-being.

Create A Strong Feng Shui Front Door

The front door, or the main door, is very important in feng shui, no matter we are speaking of the front door of a home or the front door of a business. So, how does a strong feng shui front door look and feel like? Here is what defines a front door with good feng shui.

A Good Feng Shui Design Main Entry Rug


How do you make the best feng shui choice for your main door rug? Which colours and shapes will help you attract the best quality of energy? Let’s look at the main feng shui design aspects.

Have A Bathroom Faced the Front Door?

The reason a bathroom door facing the feng shui main entrance is considered bad feng shui is simple: the Universal energy, or Chi, comes into the house through the front door. If your bathroom is facing the front door, most sound energy will easily escape through the bathroom, leaving little or no good feng shui energy to nourish the house.

Front Door Is Facing the Back Door

As feng shui is all about creating a balanced and harmonious flow of energy in your home, the direct alignment of two or more doors will create a harsh quality of feng shui energy resembling Sha Chi.

Staircase Facing the Front Door


When a staircase faces the main door directly, the feng shui energy rushes up quickly. It is either on the lower or, the higher floor. This leaves the main floor without good feng shui energy nourishment, meaning it potentially creates a challenging feng shui house.

Main Entrance Mirror Facing the Front Door

A mirror facing the main door is one of the two big taboos in feng shui (the second one being a mirror facing a bed.) Having a mirror facing the main entrance will push away all the good feng shui energy about entering the house.

The house receives its energetic nourishment through the front door. By having a big mirror pushing away all the good energy.

Bathroom Above the Main Entry

One of the concerns you might have with the feng shui of a new or existing house is a bathroom. The main door is very important in feng shui. Should you consider a home with a bathroom over the main door to have bad feng shui?