
Horoscope Allies & Friend


In Chinese Astrology, the year you were born determines the zodiac animal that rules your sign. In the Chinese Zodiac, due to the twelve-year rotational form, there are twelve different animal signs. The twelve animals are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Under Chinese Astrology, every animal sign belongs to one of the four “triangles of affinities”. Each of this triangle has three animal signs, and they are known as “horoscope allies”. These trios have similar characteristics and are said to help each other whenever they are in need.

People belonging to the same zodiac as yours or your allies are compatible with your personality. They can be your close friends whom you feel connected and comfortable being around. Each zodiac sign also has one secret friend. This friend will be a reliable protector for you to run to whenever you’re in trouble or need support. They never disappoint.

Now, do you want to make your horoscope allies and a secret friend work in favour of you? Keep an amulet of your zodiac allies and secret friend; this will not only be your protective shield; it will also enhance your luck.


The combined strength of your zodiac allies and a secret friend will give you the energy and luck to breeze through life without impediments. You can take heart to know that you have these allies and secret friends to help you navigate problems in school or your workplace. It would be best if you were extra careful in the year your horoscope sign clashes with negative entities such as the Tai Sui as it will bring many rough patches and bad luck in that year for you.

You may also face treachery from disloyal friends. Keep amulets of your horoscope allies with you at all times to help overcome this phase of misfortune. Surround yourself with images of your allies and secret friend. This enables you to “borrow” their luck to help you see through the year and rise above the afflictions when your feng shui prediction is not good. This will also invite the luck of helpful people into your life and help you garner friends’ support and goodwill.

Animal Sign
Secret Friend
Conflict Animal
Dragon, Monkey
Snake, Rooster
Horse, Dog
Sheep, Boar
Rat, Monkey
Ox, Rooster
Tiger, Dog
Rabbit, Boar
Rat, Dragon
Ox, Snake
Tiger, Horse
Rabbit, Sheep



The lunar years of the Rat are 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and 2008. Individuals born in these years will be blessed with the characteristics of having a strong sense of leadership, the ability to overcome obstacles and be ambitious in whatever they undertake. However, these positive traits are often the causes of more negative ones, such as selfishness, ruthless spending of money, short temperament and backstabbing. Despite this, those with the Rat as their Chinese Zodiac are very loyal and affectionate to the people they hold dear. The suggested professions for those born in the Rat are writer, publicist, critic and sales manager.

For a Rat person, his/her horoscope allies are the Dragon and Monkey, while his/her horoscope secret friend is Ox. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin.
Horoscope Allies Keyring – Rat, Dragon and Monkey & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Rat


The Ox’s lunar years are 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009. Individuals born in these years are said to have the potential to be very logical, clear-thinking and perseverant. The Ox is a powerful animal, and so those with this Zodiac also need to balance out the negativities of being stubborn, intolerant and aggressive. The suggested professions for those born in the years of the Ox are hair stylist, general practitioner, and surgeon; in addition to this, those with the Ox Zodiac will prove successful and loving parents.

For an Ox person, his/her horoscope allies are the Rooster and Snake, while his/her horoscope secret friend is Rat. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Ox, Rooster and Snake & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Ox


The lunar years of the Tiger are 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010. Individuals born in these years will have powerful and venerable traits, such as self-confidence, bravery, courage, charm and an everlasting energy supply. However, the Tiger is often too self-concerned, and this can lead to arrogance and self-destructive behaviour. The suggested professions for those born in the Tiger years are matador, manager, explorer or racecar driver.

For a Tiger person, his/her horoscope allies are the Horse and Dog while his/her horoscope secret friend is Boar. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Tiger, Dog and Horse & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Tiger


The Rabbit’s lunar years are 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011. Individuals born in these years are said to have serene souls and tend to be gentle, good-hearted, loving and obligated. However, they must be careful to prevent their laid-back nature from transforming into laziness and self-indulgence, as this very easily occurs. In addition to this, Rabbits tend to become over-attached to people and objects, become extra emotional, and create conflict in their lives. The suggested professions for those born in the Rabbit years are artist, actor, diplomat or lawyer.

For a Rabbit person, his/her horoscope allies are the Sheep and Boar, while his/her horoscope secret friend is Dog. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Rabbit, Sheep and Boar & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Rabbit


The Dragon’s lunar years are 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012. Individuals born in these years will embody the powerful dragon’s traits and will be very intelligent, popular, talented and proud. The Dragon is full of energy and leadership and has the power to achieve great things. However, due to its mighty nature, individuals of the Dragon Zodiac can quickly become over-demanding, violent and power-hungry. The Dragon will always maintain a tough face, but the inner personality is often soft and gentle. The suggested professions for those born in the Dragon years are leader, artist, politician or priest.

For a Dragon person, his/her horoscope allies are the Rat and Monkey while his/her horoscope secret friend is Rooster. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Rat, Dragon and Monkey & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Dragon


The Snake lunar years are 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013. Individuals born in these years are said to embody the Snake traits, which are namely passion, romance, intelligence, charm, and determination. However, as is known by most, the Snake is a very tricky and mistrusted animal, so be cautious to prevent intuitive senses from leading to stringiness or loss of motivation. Women with the Snake Zodiac need to be extra cautious because their natural beauty will often lead to vanity, which will drive away those around them. The suggested professions for those born in the Snake years are fortune teller, author, psychiatrist, philosopher or professor.

For a Snake person, his/her horoscope allies are the Ox and Rooster, while his/her horoscope secret friend is Monkey. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Ox, Rooster and Snake & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Snake.


The lunar years of the Horse are 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 and 2014. Individuals born in these years are often very popular and admired among those around them and display the tendencies to be agile, intelligent, friendly, perseverant, and well-liked. However, many negative traits come with the Horse Zodiac. Some of these bring selfishness, rudeness, negative cleverness, and a very high ego. However, the Horse is a well respected Zodiac sign. When these traits are displayed, that effect is diminished. The suggested professions for those born in the years of the horse are scientist, explorer, politician or poet.

For a Horse person, his/her horoscope allies are the Tiger and Dog, while his/her horoscope secret friend is Sheep. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Tiger, Dog and Horse & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Horse


The Sheep lunar years are 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, and 2015. Individuals born in these years are often the most sympathetic and sincere, always allowing for honesty and an open flow of optimism. However, because they normally focus on the material goods around them and solid comforts, those with the Sheep Zodiac tend to complain a lot, leading to disorganization, vulnerability, and sometimes even depression. While the Sheep can overcome an obstacle when given the necessary time, they cannot work efficiently under pressure. When looking for marriage, a Sheep should always pair up with a Pig or Rabbit, but never an Ox. The suggested professions for those born in the years of the Sheep are gardener or actor.

For a Sheep person, his/her horoscope allies are the Rabbit and Boar, while his/her horoscope secret friend is Horse. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Rabbit, Sheep and Boar & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Sheep


The lunar years of the Monkey are 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016. Individuals born in these years will display the quick-witted nature of this Zodiac and will have the beneficial characteristics of creativity, cleverness, intelligence and innovation. However, these traits are easily transformed into vanity, self-destruction and the tendency to become disheartened very easily. The Monkey is a very sociable sign, and it is easy to get close to one; despite this, the Monkey’s friends should always be on the lookout for backstabbing and distrust. There is no specific suggested profession for those born in the Monkey years because they are likely to be ambitious and successful in any career path they choose.

For a Monkey person, his/her horoscope allies are the Rat and Dragon, while his/her horoscope secret friend is Snake. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Rat, Dragon and Monkey& Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Monkey


The Rooster’s lunar years are 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017. Individuals born in these years take on the traits of being headstrong and hardworking, responsible, full of courage and self-confident. However, Roosters often tend to become reckless, careless, selfish and sometimes even self-destructive due to their overly arrogant nature. Those with the Rooster Zodiac are always sure of their own success and sometimes come across as boastful and vain. The suggested professions for those born in the Rooster’s years are traveller or travel writer, publicist, soldier or restaurant owner.

For a Rooster person, his/her horoscope allies are the Ox and Snake, while his/her horoscope secret friend is Dragon. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Ox, Rooster and Snake & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Rooster


The Dog’s lunar years are 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018. The Dog is a potent symbol of justice and equality, and so those with it as their Zodiac sign will always have a strong sense of morality. They will also be presented with honesty, loyalty, generosity and dedication to things they love. The disadvantages of the Dog Zodiac are that they tend to become very lazy and instigate arguments when they are frustrated. Also, they have a strong tendency to become depressed and pessimistic. The suggested professions for those born in the Dog’s years are businessmen, teachers, activists or government agents.

For a Dog person, his/her horoscope allies are the Tiger and Horse while his/her horoscope secret friend is Rabbit. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Tiger, Dog and Horse & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Dog

Boar / Pig

The Pig lunar years are 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019. The Pig is the last symbol in the Chinese Zodiac cycle, and those born in these years are loyal, reliable, loving, passionate, honest and tolerant. Some of the negativities that arise out of these traits are naivety and gullibility and the tendency to get frustrated due to lack of knowledge. Despite this, the Pig is an extremely loyal sign and will often sacrifice its own good for others’ sake. The suggested professions for those born in the Pig years are lawyer, entertainer or finance manager.

For a Boar person, his/her horoscope allies are the Rabbit and Sheep while his/her horoscope secret friend is Tiger. Your zodiac allies are friends with whom you are connected and enjoy their company. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on and will stick beside you through thick and thin. Horoscope Allies Keyring – Rabbit, Sheep and Boar & Zodiac Allies and Secret Friend for Boar