Brass Sheep with Coins


The Brass Sheep with Coins is a beautiful representation of wealth and prosperity. It will help you to have better Love and Romance luck.

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This is a beautiful representation of the sheep made of brass. It is seen with a string of auspicious Chinese coins and stepping on a giant coin – a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

The Brass Sheep with Coins makes an excellent gift for anyone born in the year of Sheep.

What the Sheep Symbolizes and its Application in Symbolism Feng Shui:

The Sheep (eighth Horoscope animal of the Chinese Zodiac) symbolizes tranquility and intelligence with a mind for business. A person of the Sheep year is called the Good Samaritan of the cycle. He or she is righteous, sincere, artistic, fashionable, and a creative worker. The Sheep is known for his gentle and compassionate ways. He can forgive easily and be understanding about others’ faults. It is believed that placing the Sheep figurines in your home or workplace will strengthen and enhance all the good traits and characteristics it represents in family members born in the year of Sheep.

The Sheep’s direction is in Southwest 1 (187.5 degrees to 217.5 degrees) and its intrinsic element is earth. The Sheep’s allies are the Rabbit and the Boar. The Horse is its secret friend.

Here is how the Sheep figurine can be used to Feng Shui your way to a better life:

1. For people born in the year of Sheep, place a Sheep figurine in the sector between 187.5 degrees to 217.5 degrees sector in your home or office according to big Tai Chi (house) or small Tai Chi (living room, bedroom, work desk, study desk, etc.) to enhance your personal wealth luck. You will also benefit by placing it in the sectors correspond to your allies: RABBIT (67.5° – 97.5°) or BOAR (307.5° – 337.5°). This will ensure a smooth sailing and successful year ahead as your Chinese horoscope sign figurine will assist you and protect you from trouble whether it be at work, at school, or in your business, during good or difficult times. It will help you to have better Love and Romance luck as this is what the Southwest sector governs based on the Pakua’s Eight Life Aspirations Method.

If your horoscope reading says you will experience a tough year ahead, worry not. Your Sheep figurine will give you the strength to see through it, help you to overcome obstacles and make the most out of it to reap maximum benefits. Your Sheep figurine will also help you to keep friends loyal to you, preventing betrayal from acquaintances you thought were friends. This Feng Shui remedy is recommended by many Feng Shui masters and will not disappoint you.

Additional information

Weight 0.84 kg
Dimensions 7.6 × 4.4 × 10.5 cm


