Horoscope Allies & Secret Friend for Horse


For people born in the year of Horse, display these three good friend figurines in your work/study desk to ensure a smooth sailing and successful year ahead.

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This is a beautiful set of finely crafted figurines of the Three Chinese Horoscope Animals – the Sheep, Tiger, and Dog. The Sheep is the secret friend of the Horse while the Tiger and the Dog are its horoscope allies. A secret friend is a person who will help you in life without you even realizing while your allies are special friends and buddies that you can talk to and help you in times of need.

For people born in the year of Horse, display these three good friend figurines in the sectors corresponding to them or on your work/study desk. They will ensure a smooth sailing and successful year ahead as you will have your allies and secret friend to assist you whether it be at work, at school, or in your business, during good or difficult times. They will help you to garner support from helpful people.

If your horoscope reading says you will experience a tough year ahead, fret not. Your Zodiac secret friend and allies will give you the strength to see through it, help you to overcome obstacles, and make the most out of it to reap maximum benefits. Your allies will also help you to keep friends loyal to you, preventing betrayal from acquaintances you thought were friends.

Get a set of your Horoscope Allies & Secret Friend so that you will always have support and assistance to overcome any obstacles to success and happiness. This Feng Shui remedy is recommended by many Feng Shui masters and will not disappoint you.

Find out which Animal Zodiac you are born under here.

Additional information

Weight 0.56 kg
Dimensions 5.7 × 1.6 × 1.9 cm

Metal, Zinc Alloy

