Feng shui For New Job Tips To Help You




Looking for a new job can be a very stressful time, no matter you are at the start of your professional career or are quite established in your field. A job is a means of income and a form of social inclusion and affirmation of one’s talents and abilities. Can feng shui help you find a new job? A job that will make you happy and satisfy your professional, emotional, and financial needs? Yes, it can. The emphasis, though, is on the word help, as you know that you are the one who has to make things happen.

Hanging chimes around the house instead of sending resumes or meeting with the right people will be a huge waste of precious time. Feng shui can use only in addition to your job search efforts. There are many feng shui cures to help you advance in your career. However, you are the one who has to do the hardest part—the part of defining what is it that you want to do for a living.

One feng shui cure to help define or bring clarity to your career path is to hang a big map of the world in your space’s North feng shui Bagua area.

Popular Feng Shui Career Tips
  • Display images of people whose career & professional life you admire in the North area of your Bagua. The North area is connected to the flow of energy in your career life, also called Path in Life.
  • You can also display these images in the Northwest feng shui Bagua area called the Helpful People and Blessings area. This feng shui area activates when changing careers and looking for a new job.
  • Display Metal feng shui element art or items in the Northwest Bagua are: a metal bell, a metal bowl, or an important (career-wise) photo in a metal frame.
  • A water feature or a mirror in the North feng shui bagua area is excellent, and so is the addition of decor elements in colors blue and black.
  • As you are strengthening the Career area of your Bagua (North), do not forget to pay attention to the Money and Abundance area, too (the Southeast area of your home.)
  • Find out your Kua Number and activate your direction for success.
  • You can also apply, if so inclined, some traditional feng shui good luck cures.
  • Be sure to block your front door, and not overstuff your closets. Check that you have open space under your bed and minimum clutter in your home, especially in your bedroom.

Most importantly, do not doubt that you will get the job you deserve. See it often in your mind’s eye and take good care of your own energy by exercising, eating well, and spending time in a good feng shui environment. Keep a positive, optimistic attitude, and you will get the job you deserve. It might come in a very unexpected way, so stay happy and stay alert.