Yellow Jasper Pi Yao 10Mm Yellow Jasper Bracelet


Yellow Jasper Bracelet is a beautiful bracelet consists of round beads of Yellow Jasper and Pi Yao pendant strung on tough elastic cordings.

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Yellow Jasper Pi Yao 10Mm Yellow Jasper Bracelet is a beautiful bracelet with a touch of Feng Shui. It consists of round beads of Yellow Jasper and a Pi Yao pendant strung on tough elastic cordings.

Of all, the most revered property of the Pi Yao today has to be its ability to appease the Grand Duke Jupiter of Tai Sui which changes its direction every year and occupies 15 degrees of the compass sector. Sitting, sleeping or even walking facing His direction confronts him. Thus, he will incur his wrath and bring misfortunes, from mild to severe kind, even if you unknowingly did so.

So what can you do about it? You can’t possibly be holding and checking on a compass wherever you are. Or whatever you are doing, all day and all night to ensure you do not confront the Grand Duke Jupiter. Well, worry not! The Yellow Jasper Pi Yao bracelet is your solution!

Wearing the Yellow Jasper Pi Yao bracelet will protect you against the Grand Duke Jupiter’s wrath and take your mind off from worrying if you are doing whatever is in the right or wrong directions, 24/7. Carry it in your bag wherever you go or hang it in your car. So, the ‘guardian angel’ is always there with you, to protect you from harm.

Benefits and healing properties of Yellow Jasper

Associated with the root chakra, the powerful Jasper crystal cools, soothes and calms the mind and nerves, hence reduces stress and brings tranquillity. It enhances one’s ability to relax and heal if necessary. Jasper is also reputed to promote creativity, enhance spiritual solidarity, stimulate imagination, and imbue courage and willpower.

This crystal product will be cleansed of negative energy by using the singing bowl before shipment to empower it with positive Sheng Ch’i.

You can request to have this bracelet made smaller or bigger by contacting us after you have placed your order.

Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg
Dimensions 3.8 × 1.9 × 1.9 cm

Yellow Jasper