Crocodile Skin Crystal Bracelet


This is a beautiful bracelet made up of Crocodile skin Crystal beads strung on stretchable bands. Crocodile skin crystal is believed to offer protection and keep evil spirits away.


This is a beautiful bracelet made up of Crocodile skin Crystal beads strung on stretchable bands. Crocodile skin crystal is believed to offer protection and keep evil spirits away.

This bracelet will be cleansed of negative energy by using the singing bowl before shipment to empower it with positive Sheng Ch’i.

Please note that natural crystals, unlike man-made crystals, may have blemishes, uneven textures, and colors, inclusions, or internal fractures in them. These are not flaws and are perfectly fine in the context of Feng Shui.

You can request to have this bracelet made smaller or bigger by contacting us after you have placed your order.

Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg
Dimensions 6 × 1.6 × 1.3 cm

Crocodile Skin Crystal


Olive Greenish Brown