Aventurine With Amethyst And Clear Quartz Bracelet


A gorgeous bracelet made up of Aventurine, Amethyst and Clear Quartz crystal beads strung on tough elastic cording.

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A gorgeous bracelet made up of Aventurine, Amethyst and Clear Quartz crystal beads strung on tough elastic cording.

The Power of Aventurine in Feng Shui

Aventurine is referred to by many as the all-purpose healing stone and some have called it the “Healer of the Heart and the Soul”. It is used for enhancing recovery of physical disorders, soothing the hearts, balancing emotions, calming the mind, and easing anxiety. Green in color, Aventurine belongs to the quartz family.

According to believers and fans of Aventurine, the crystal promotes clarity of mind and self-confidence thus reinforces decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities. It is a stone for leaders, businessmen, or professionals who are required to make critical decisions all the time. Aventurine helps you to focus and find creative solutions when you’re feeling overwhelmed by problems.

The Power of Amethyst in Feng Shui

Amethyst is a semi-precious gemstone that possesses the strongest spiritual energy and has the power to calm the mind and emotions, creating a sense of peace. Its color ranges from pale lilac to deep purple. Also known as the master healer, Amethyst is a remarkable and most effective stone to use for meditation and concentration which helps to enhance the clarity of thought and reduce anger, anxiety, stress, and depression. Amethyst also stimulates the intellectual and creative side of you. Amethysts are very powerful for people who suffer sleepless nights or for those with disturbing dreams and nightmares.

In physical enhancement, Amethyst fortifies the immunity system and promotes healthy blood flow. It is reputed to be very good for issues related to the eye and is helpful for curing addictions.

The Power of Clear Quartz in Feng Shui

Clear Quartz crystals or rock crystals, is one of earth’s most common mineral and most universally used crystals. Transparent and can be as clear as glass, Clear Quartz is generally regarded as the mirror of the soul because it reflects and radiates that in us which is divine and is the most vital element of any crystal collection.

Clear Quartz has very strong powers of protection against anyone who doesn’t mean you well. Clear Quartz is a pure and powerful energy source that has the ability to transmit and receive energy. In transmission, it can amplify and focus the positive energy.  In receiving, it can store energy, dispel any negativity, and can be charged or ‘programmed’ into specific healing energy for later use. Clear Quartz is therefore used as an excellent aid in healing meditation therapy to purify the mind, body, and spirit for balanced emotions and clarity of thoughts. Because of this special attribute, Clear quartz has the ability to enhance the energies of other gemstones and natural crystals when placed near them.

This crystal product will be cleansed of negative energy by using the singing bowl before shipment to empower it with positive Sheng Ch’i.

Please note that natural crystals, unlike man-made crystals, may have blemishes, uneven textures, and colors, inclusions, or internal fractures in them. These are not flaws and are perfectly fine in the context of Feng Shui.

You can request to have this bracelet made smaller or bigger by contacting us after you have placed your order.

Additional information

Weight 0.04 kg
Dimensions 8.25 × 0.375 × 0.375 cm

Aventurine Crystal

