Clear Quartz Crystal Cluster


Clear Quartz clusters are especially useful for cleaning a room or other crystals.

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Clear Quartz clusters are especially useful for cleaning a room or other crystals.

A beautiful naturally occuring Clear Quartz cluster displayed on a wooden stand. A crystal cluster has many points bedded and they radiate positive energy out to the surrounding space and also absorb damaging energy. Clear Quartz clusters are especially useful for cleaning a room or other crystals.

Clear Quartz or Rock Crystal is one of the most fascinating stone that will protect from many things, one being the bad intentions of those who surround you. It will disperse any negative energy from external influences arousing jealousy or hatred, and balance it out with positive and harmonious vibes. It will use the negative energy and convert it into energy that can heal and saves it for future use. Due to this amazing ability to convert negativities to positive energy, clear quartz is often used for energizing or cleansing other crystals. Crystal collectors should at least have one clear quartz cluster with them. Simply leave your crystal bracelets, pendants, or jewelry overnight on the Clear Quartz cluster when not in use. They will be cleansed of negative vibes and recharged with positive energy the next morning.

This Feng Shui crystal will heal your mind by balancing your thinking methods and rejuvenating the chi within your being. By balancing the energies of the spirit, body, and mind, you will be able to think clearly and achieve a sense of tranquillity and self-harmony. Both your concentration and memory capabilities will be enhanced, creativity and inspiration increased – an ideal stone for students.

In addition to this, Clear Quartz can safeguard your body from dangerous forms of radiation and static electricity, which can cause physical damages to your organs and blood. Perfect on your work desk where you work in front of the computer for a long period of time.

Additional information

Weight 1.4 kg
Dimensions 12 × 9 × 8 cm


